Patents for A01B 79 - Methods for working soil (3,372)
03/05/2015US20150066315 Remote adjustment of a row unit of an agricultural device
03/04/2015EP2842813A1 Agricultural vehicle
03/03/2015US8967059 Method of recycling exhaust emissions
02/26/2015WO2015025254A1 Apparatus and system for applying a soil treatment beneath the surface of the ground
02/24/2015US8959833 Methods of seed breeding using high throughput nondestructive seed sampling
02/18/2015EP2837909A2 Method and assembly for mapping an agricultural field
02/11/2015CN104335879A 一种水库消落带植被人工修复方法 One kind of artificial reservoir drawdown zone vegetation restoration methods
02/11/2015CN104335806A 一种适于北方地区冬播结缕草的方法 Zoysia one kind suitable for northern winter planting method
02/11/2015CN104335731A 一种利用蚯蚓改良盐碱地应用方法 An earthworm Saline improved application methods use
02/11/2015CN104335730A 生态田埂 Eco Ridge
02/11/2015CN102612882B 一种沟埋植物秸秆改良沿海滩涂地的方法及其淋盐抑盐系统 Improved coastal beach to plant straw method for leaching salts ditch and buried salt suppression system
02/04/2015CN204139182U 一种坡面基材喷播厚度的控制装置 Spraying a slope control device substrate thickness
02/04/2015CN204131942U 挖沟埋管机 Pipe trenching machine
02/04/2015CN104328791A 一种坡面基材喷播厚度的控制装置 Spraying a slope control device substrate thickness
02/04/2015CN104322341A 一种扁桃定植施肥同时进行的方法 A method of simultaneously mandelic planting fertilization
02/04/2015CN104322335A 一种降镉增硒的水稻种植方法、富硒米及富硒米麸 A Reduced cadmium selenide increase rice cultivation methods, Se Se-rich rice bran and rice
02/04/2015CN104322317A 一种日光温室前端土壤保温降湿技术 Greenhouse front end of one kind of soil lower humidity insulation technology
02/04/2015CN104322174A 一种基于旱地果树根系土壤水热环境的垄膜保墒集雨小沟集水方法 An upland soil water thermal environment fruit tree roots Ridge Film soil moisture harvesting small ditch catchment-based approach
02/04/2015CN104322173A 山地丘陵区缓坡地改造方法 Hilly area of ​​gentle slope reconstruction method
02/04/2015CN104322172A 一种苏打盐渍土均质改良方法 One kind of soda saline soil heterogeneity improved methods
02/04/2015CN102972113B 一种红壤旱地的降酸调湿方法 One kind of upland red soil humidity drop acid method
02/03/2015US8948975 Agriculture combination machines for dispensing compositions
01/28/2015CN104303946A 漏斗底鱼鳞坑整地技术 Funnel pit bottom scale soil preparation techniques
01/28/2015CN104303802A 一种埋根状茎繁殖沙滩黄芩的方法 One kind of underground rhizomes propagation method beach skullcap
01/28/2015CN104303763A 一种冬小麦的栽培方法 Winter wheat cultivation method
01/28/2015CN104303757A 一种高效益山药栽培方法 A high-efficiency yam cultivation method
01/28/2015CN104303747A 一种黑果枸杞盐碱地栽培方法 One kind of black fruit wolfberry cultivation methods Saline
01/28/2015CN104303741A 板结性土地种植虹豆的方法 Compaction of land planted rainbow bean method
01/28/2015CN104303635A 干旱半干旱地区粉垄深旋储水保苗促长耕作方法 Arid and semi-arid areas of deep powder ridge spin storage seedling growth-promoting farming methods
01/28/2015CN102656971B 一种膨润土生产沙地改良剂的方法及应用 Bentonite production methods and application of sand improver
01/27/2015US8942897 System and method for determining a location of an unloaded unit of agricultural product and locating a desired unit of agricultural product
01/27/2015US8942860 Wireless communication system for agricultural vehicles
01/22/2015WO2015009170A1 Improvements in, or relating to, plant maintenance
01/21/2015EP2826366A1 Liquid surface application method for mobile liquid distribution devices
01/21/2015CN104285655A 一种黑皮冬瓜的种植方法 One kind of black melon cultivation methods
01/21/2015CN104285635A 深耕深沟栽培子姜的方法 Deep groove ginger cultivation method
01/21/2015CN104285624A 使用皂素废水改良土壤种植蓝莓的方法 Use saponin wastewater blueberry planting soil improvement methods
01/21/2015CN104285534A 黑土区土壤的改良和水土保持方法 Improved soil and water conservation black soil zone method
01/21/2015CN104285533A 一种利用农业秸秆改良盐碱地土壤的方法 A use of agricultural straw modified method Saline Soil
01/21/2015CN104285532A 一种复垦坡地紫色土快速培肥方法 A rapid fertilization methods in purple soil slope reclamation
01/21/2015CN104285531A 一种黑麦草草地的养护方法 Ryegrass grassland conservation method
01/21/2015CN103160441B 一种草酸青霉菌发酵液的制备工艺及其在农业中的应用 Preparation of an oxalic acid fermentation broth of Penicillium and its application in agriculture
01/21/2015CN103026820B 大青叶煎煮液在中和酸雨的酸度、改良和治理酸化土壤中的应用 Folium decoction application in acidity and acid rain, soil acidification and governance improvements in
01/20/2015US8938218 Mobile based advisory system and a method thereof
01/15/2015WO2015006609A1 Automation of networking a group of machines
01/15/2015WO2015006600A1 Automating distribution of work in a field
01/15/2015US20150013580 Method for interplanting energy crops
01/14/2015EP2822374A2 Soil sampling method and device
01/14/2015CN104276903A 滨海滩涂中、重度盐碱地适用化学改良调理剂及其应用方法 Marina beach, the severe saline soil conditioner suitable for chemical modification method and its application
01/14/2015CN104272953A 饲用型甜高粱栽培方法 Forage sorghum cultivation method
01/13/2015US8935059 System for controlling a work machine
01/08/2015WO2015001083A1 Plant growth system
01/07/2015EP2819498A1 Monitoring and control of soil conditions
01/07/2015CN104255368A 一种克服苹果重茬连作障碍的方法 One way to overcome the obstacles of continuous cropping apple cropping methods
01/07/2015CN104255253A 一种稻草全量还田与小麦播种方法 One kind of straw to field full of wheat sowing methods
01/07/2015CN104255220A 紫色红薯栽培方法 Purple sweet potato cultivation method
01/07/2015CN104255109A 一种将煤矸石用于矿山地质灾害区的生态修复方法 A method for ecological restoration method gangue mine geological disaster zone
01/07/2015CN104255108A 劣质土地绿色植被生态重建系统 Inferior land of green vegetation ecological restoration system
01/07/2015CN104255107A 一种滨海盐土立式渗管排盐方法 One kind of Coastal Saline salt drainage pipe vertical infiltration method
01/07/2015CN104255106A 山坡地经济林木粉垄耕作方法 Powder Ridge economic forest hillside farming methods
01/07/2015CN104255105A 盐碱地粉垄淡盐丰产耕作方法 Saline Ridge pale pink salt yield farming methods
01/07/2015CN104255104A 草原粉垄聚水丰草耕作方法 Powder Ridge prairie grass farming methods poly supung
01/07/2015CN104255103A 设施蔬菜施用植物疫苗配合草食性动物粪的有机栽培方法 Vegetable plant vaccine administered with herbivores dung organic cultivation methods
01/07/2015CN104255102A 一种利用炭化烟草秸秆还田改良植烟土壤的方法 An advantage of carbonized tobacco smoke straw soil planting method
01/07/2015CN103741698B 黄土丘陵沟壑区采煤塌陷裂缝治理方法 Loess hilly region of mining subsidence cracks governance approach
01/07/2015CN103262725B 栗钙土土壤下的树木种植方法 Tree planting method chestnut soil under the soil
01/07/2015CN103238431B 滨海旱作盐碱地大麦-玉米轮作系统的控盐培肥方法 Coastal Saline rainfed barley - Salt fertility control methods corn rotation system
01/07/2015CN103141282B 一种边条老参的栽培方法 An old ginseng cultivation method strip edges
01/07/2015CN102754539B 一种种植大枣的土壤的改良方法 An improved method of soil cultivation jujube
01/06/2015US8925245 Methods for removing liquid from a porous substrate in plant somatic embryogenesis
12/31/2014CN204052351U 一种新型采用林农复合模式的沿海滩涂盐碱地有效改良系统 A novel use of agroforestry model coastal beach Saline effectively improve system
12/31/2014CN204047087U 滤水软管排盐与隔离层防盐系统 Drainage hose row salt and isolation layer anti-salt system
12/31/2014CN104249075A 甘露糖在提高植物耐镉及镉积累以及在修复镉污染土壤中的应用 Mannose in improving plant resistance to cadmium and cadmium accumulation and application of remediation of cadmium contaminated soil
12/31/2014CN103146390B 一种控制菜地Cd污染的钝化剂及其使用方法 Passivating agent and a method of controlling the use of vegetable Cd pollution
12/31/2014CN103070001B 一种黄秋葵高产优质安全种植方法 One kind of high yield cultivation methods okra security
12/31/2014CN103039147B 一种山地采煤沉陷水田复垦方法 One kind of mountain mining subsidence reclamation of paddy fields method
12/30/2014US8924030 Method and apparatus for optimization of agricultural field operations using weather, product and environmental information
12/30/2014CA2663917C Variable zone crop-specific inputs prescription method and systems therefor
12/25/2014US20140379228 Method and system for optimizing planting operations
12/24/2014CN204031885U 一种利于苗木盐碱地成活的种植结构 A system that facilitates the survival of planted seedlings Saline structure
12/24/2014CN104244697A 土壤条件的监测与控制 Monitoring and control of soil conditions
12/24/2014CN104221701A 一种青天葵人工栽培方法 One kind of artificial cultivation methods Qingtiankui
12/24/2014CN104221700A 一种新型的紫苏种植方法 A new method of planting basil
12/24/2014CN104221665A 盐渍土滴灌控盐栽培方法 Drip control saline soil cultivation methods salt
12/24/2014CN104221526A 一种土壤活化剂的施用方法 A method of applying soil activator
12/24/2014CN104221525A 一种稀土尾砂植被快速恢复的方法 A method of tailings rare vegetation fast recovery
12/24/2014CN104221524A 秸秆还田及化肥配施控制土壤性状及氮磷流失方法 Straw and chemical fertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus loss control soil properties and methods
12/24/2014CN104221523A 山地丘陵区坡瘠地的葡萄园改土方法 Vineyard soil improvement method hilly desert area of ​​slope
12/24/2014CN104221522A 一种废弃盐田的改良方法 An improved method of waste Yantian
12/24/2014CN104221521A 一种改良壤土为花生栽培基质的方法 An improved loam matrix method for peanut cultivation
12/24/2014CN104221520A 戈壁沙漠石山人造田地三方法 Gobi Desert Rock Hill man field three methods
12/24/2014CN103614997B 一种公路建设过程中的取土方法 One kind of dug during highway construction method
12/24/2014CN103053239B 一种沙漠造田机及应用其造田的方法 One kind of desert wasteland machine and method of application of its farmland
12/17/2014CN204018363U 一种用于污染土壤修复和植被恢复的综合装置 An integrated device vegetation contaminated soil remediation and restoration for
12/17/2014CN204014443U 改良沿海滩涂垦区农田土壤的水泥土球粒排水装置 Improved coastal beach reclamation of farmland soil cement drainage pellets
12/17/2014CN104206162A 一种桂花树扦插繁殖方法 One kind of sweet-scented osmanthus tree cutting propagation method
12/17/2014CN104206132A 桃豆、荞麦一年两种两收方法 Peach beans, buckwheat year received two kinds of two methods
12/17/2014CN104206066A 一种盐碱地土壤改良方法 One kind of saline-alkali soil improvement method
12/17/2014CN104206064A 一种盐碱地地下排盐方法 One kind of underground salt drainage method Saline
12/17/2014CN102766470B 一种土壤连作保、其制备方法及其应用 Even secured a soil, their preparation and their use
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