Patents for A01G 31 - Hydroponics; Cultivation without soil (10,431)
03/05/2015WO2015027267A1 Fodder growing system and method
03/03/2015US8966816 Aquaponics system
03/03/2015US8966815 Method for growing and distributing live food
02/26/2015WO2015025752A1 Plant cultivation system and plant cultivation method
02/26/2015US20150052810 Plant growth weight measurement instrument and method thereof
02/24/2015US8959834 Plant cultivation container
02/19/2015WO2015022782A1 Hydroponic culture system, and plant factory provided with hydroponic culture system and greenhouse produced from styrene foam
02/18/2015EP2837282A1 Plant cultivation material and plant cultivation method using same
02/18/2015EP2836064A1 A holder for plants and a plant cultivation method
02/17/2015US8955252 Automated gravimetric screening platform system and method
02/12/2015WO2015020578A1 Cultivation system
02/12/2015US20150040478 Plant Growing Apparatus
02/12/2015US20150040477 Aquaponic growth bucket
02/12/2015US20150040476 Methods for growing living organisms
02/11/2015CN204151210U 一种污泥烧结制无土栽培基质处理系统 One kind of sludge sintering soilless culture substrate processing system
02/11/2015CN204151148U 一种复合型池塘水质净化装置 A composite type pond water purification unit
02/11/2015CN204151146U 一种沉水植物种植装置 One kind of submerged plant planting device
02/11/2015CN204146140U 自动化水培种植系统 Automated hydroponic cultivation system
02/11/2015CN204146139U 旋转式植物栽培装置 Rotary plant cultivation device
02/11/2015CN204146138U 一种防止杨树室内切枝杂交花粉污染的装置 An indoor cut branches hybrid poplar pollen device prevents contamination
02/11/2015CN204146137U 外置式养液虹吸架构 External nutrient solution siphon architecture
02/11/2015CN204146136U 一种潮汐式种植系统及养鱼系统 One kind of tidal systems and fish cultivation system
02/11/2015CN204146135U 一种栽培架 A culture rack
02/11/2015CN204146134U 复合型水培槽 Composite hydroponic tank
02/11/2015CN204146133U 一种深液流管道水培系统 A dark flow hydroponic system piping
02/11/2015CN104335887A 一种提高兰花杂交组培苗移栽成活率的方法 A way to improve the survival rate of transplanted tissue culture orchid hybrid method
02/11/2015CN104335886A 一种蓝莓移栽前的栽培方法 Blueberry cultivation method before transplanting
02/11/2015CN104335885A 一种无土栽培花卉技术 One kind of flower soilless cultivation technology
02/11/2015CN104335812A 岩垂草地毯式无土草坪生产技术 Iwadare lawn grass carpet soilless production technology
02/11/2015CN103299935B 一种基于沟-塘复合系统的生态渔业养殖方法及装置 Based on a ditch - Eco pond fish farming method and apparatus for composite systems
02/11/2015CN102995351B 可发豆芽的滚筒洗衣机 Drum washing machine can send sprouts
02/11/2015CN102995350B 可发豆芽的波轮洗衣机 Washing Machine can send sprouts
02/05/2015WO2015016440A1 Growth box system for planting aquatic plants to remove nonpoint pollution
02/04/2015CN204132183U 多功能鱼缸 Multifunction aquarium
02/04/2015CN204132124U 一种新型种植机 A new planter
02/04/2015CN204132123U 一种家庭式种植机 A home-style planter
02/04/2015CN204132122U 一种种植机 One kind of planter
02/04/2015CN204132121U 一种智能发芽机 An intelligent sprout machine
02/04/2015CN204132120U 一种草莓高架基质栽培架 One kind of strawberry cultivation matrix overhead rack
02/04/2015CN204132119U 一种自动化墙式无土栽培系统 An automated wall soilless cultivation system
02/04/2015CN204132118U 一种家用豆芽机 One kind of bean sprouts machine home
02/04/2015CN204132117U 一种仿生的石斛培养装置 Dendrobium culture kind of bionic devices
02/04/2015CN204132116U 一种水培花卉瓶 A water bottle culture Flower
02/04/2015CN204132115U 一种立体水培驯化床 A stereoscopic hydroponics acclimation bed
02/04/2015CN204132114U 一种定植板 One kind of colonization board
02/04/2015CN204132113U 全自动灌溉润孔栽培种植系统 Automatic irrigation systems Run planting planting hole
02/04/2015CN204132064U 一种自动增氧吸水的铁皮石斛苗床 An automatic oxygen absorption of Dendrobium seedbed
02/04/2015CN104322667A 家用全自动酸奶豆芽两用机 Yogurt dual household automatic bean sprouts machine
02/04/2015CN104322425A 一种多功能具有田园风格的鱼菜共生花架 Fish dishes have a versatile flower idyllic symbiosis
02/04/2015CN104322423A 一种鱼花共养装置 Kind of fish were raised flower device
02/04/2015CN104322415A 一种可预防车轮虫病的水箱养殖黄鳝的方法 A preventable Trichodinosis tank eel farming methods
02/04/2015CN104322399A 一种鳅菜共生新技术 One kind of symbiotic mahi dish new technology
02/04/2015CN104322364A 一种多功能圆环形装饰花盆鱼菜共生养殖花架 A multifunctional circular decorative flower pots Aquaponics farming
02/04/2015CN104322363A 房顶阴阳温室无土栽培大棚 Yin and yang roof greenhouses greenhouse soilless cultivation
02/04/2015CN104322362A 一种间距可变的免移栽水耕栽培板及其使用方法 One kind of variable spacing transplanting hydroponics free board and method of use
02/04/2015CN104322361A 一种鲁蜡5号硬枝扦插育苗的方法 One kind of wax on the 5th Lu hardwood cuttings breeding methods
02/04/2015CN104322360A 一种马铃薯水培苗促生根方法 Hydroponics in a potato seedlings to promote rooting method
02/04/2015CN104322359A 一种家制高营养黄豆芽匀浆的方法 One kind of high nutritional homemade bean sprouts homogenized approach
02/04/2015CN104322358A 一种苦瓜的无土栽培方法 One kind of bitter gourd soilless cultivation method
02/04/2015CN104322357A 绢毛委陵菜扦插繁殖的方法 Potentilla alchemilloides cutting propagation method
02/04/2015CN104322356A 一种灯盏细辛育苗基质及其制造方法 One kind of fleabane nursery substrate and its manufacturing method
02/04/2015CN103733975B 一种适宜蓝莓组培苗快速生根的方法 A blueberry plantlets fast rooting method is suitable
02/04/2015CN103535247B 一种无土栽培营养液的增氧、消毒装置和方法 One kind of oxygen in nutrient solution, disinfecting apparatus and method
02/04/2015CN103229702B 一种大麦苗的水培方法 Barley hydroponic method of
02/04/2015CN103155891B 一种将生物絮凝技术与多营养级综合养殖模式相结合的南美白对虾养殖方法 Vannamei farming method biological flocculation technology and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture model combines
02/04/2015CN102894861B 一种能够浇灌和升降的植物窗帘 A way to irrigate plants and lift the curtain
02/03/2015US8943748 Water self regulated horticultural growing and support medium
01/29/2015WO2015012675A1 Vertical hanging unit in the form of bags for the hydroponic cultivation of plants, and a panel of vertical hanging units in the form of bags for hydroponic cultivation
01/29/2015US20150030705 Technique and method for producing functional material originated from ice plant, and functional component
01/29/2015US20150027548 Hydroponic system guardian
01/29/2015US20150027052 Plant growth substrates
01/29/2015US20150027051 Controlled environment and method
01/29/2015US20150027050 Coating metal oxide particles
01/29/2015DE102013214470A1 Photovoltaikmodul und Anordnung zur Stromerzeugung Photovoltaic module and system for power generation
01/28/2015CN204120010U 利用生活污水生态养殖景观装置 The use of sewage ecological farming landscape equipment
01/28/2015CN204119930U 一种植物水培装置 A plant hydroponic equipment
01/28/2015CN204119929U 一种智能无土种植牧草轮作系统 An intelligent soilless cultivation of pasture rotation system
01/28/2015CN204119928U 立体水栽花架的营养液循环输送装置 Three-dimensional flowers and frame nutrient solution circulating water delivery device
01/28/2015CN204119927U 一种蔬菜花卉无土栽培装置 A vegetable flowers soilless cultivation equipment
01/28/2015CN204119865U 一种睡莲种植盆 Water lily planting pots
01/28/2015CN204119863U 水、土两用种花花盆 Water, soil dual flowers pots
01/28/2015CN104320967A 营养液栽培用部件和营养液栽培方法 Hydroponics nutrient solution with components and cultivation methods
01/28/2015CN104304148A 一种具有田园风格的鱼菜共生花架 A fish dish with a rustic flower symbiosis
01/28/2015CN104304126A 一种利用池塘水面无土栽培中草药防治鱼病的方法 A use of pond water fish soilless cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine prevention methods
01/28/2015CN104304011A 一种阴行草多倍体诱变的繁殖方法 An overcast Cursive polyploidy breeding methods mutagenesis
01/28/2015CN104304005A 一种多肉植物叶插二次生根的繁殖方法 A multi-leaf succulents quadratic interpolation rooting propagation method
01/28/2015CN104303984A 一种具有隔热和降温作用的无土栽培槽 Soilless cultivation tank with insulation and a cooling effect
01/28/2015CN104303983A 植物室内栽培系统 Indoor plant cultivation system
01/28/2015CN104303982A 一种芽苗菜工厂化生产系统 One kind of sprouts factory production system
01/28/2015CN104303981A 一种阶梯造型鱼菜共生养殖鱼缸 One kind of ladder shape Aquaponics farmed fish tank
01/28/2015CN104303980A 室内植物简易栽培装置 Simple indoor plants cultivation equipment
01/28/2015CN104303979A 一种黄豆种植培养液滴管 One kind of soybean planting culture droplets tube
01/28/2015CN104303978A 山药及万物无土栽培基质和多种基质填充种植框 Yam and things soilless culture substrate and planting boxes filled with a variety of substrates
01/28/2015CN104303977A 一种马鞭石斛栽培方法 One kind of whip Dendrobium cultivation method
01/28/2015CN104303976A 一种sh系苹果矮化砧木扦插繁殖技术 One kind of dwarfing apple rootstocks sh Department Cutting Propagation Techniques
01/28/2015CN104303975A 乌天麻无土立体种植方法 Ukrainian Gastrodia Stereo soilless cultivation methods
01/28/2015CN104303974A 一种灯盏花育苗基质 One kind of nursery matrix Dengzhanhua
01/28/2015CN104303973A 一种岩黄连仿野生栽培方法 One kind of imitation of wild cultivation methods Yanhuanglian
01/28/2015CN104303972A 一种石斛种植培养的配比方法 Dendrobium planting a ratio method culture
01/28/2015CN104303971A 无任何添加剂豆芽菜生产技术 Without any additives bean sprouts production technology
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