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Administrative API Developer’s Guide: Protocol
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Administrative API Developer’s Guide: Protocol

Administrative API Developer’s Guide: Protocol

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The Google Search Appliance Administration API enables administrators to configure a search appliance programmatically. This API provides functions for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting search appliance configuration settings.

The Google Search Appliance Administration API follows the principles of the Google Data APIs. Google Data APIs are based on both the Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 syndication formats in addition to the Atom Publishing Protocol.

The audience for this guide are XML programmers who have access to a Google Search Appliance. The user name and password for the Admin Console are required to obtain the authentication token necessary to run applications for this API.

This guide consists of the following sections:

API Operations

To use this API, you can send HTTP requests to a search appliance to instruct the search appliance to perform a create, retrieve, update, or delete configuration information in the search appliance.

Note: The sections that follow indicate the corresponding Java client library methods. Parallel methods are also available in other client libraries.

This section explains the different types of operations that the API supports. See also How the API Works, which identifies the URL that corresponds to each API operation.

The operations are as follows:

Create—Operations to add a new object, such as a collection or front end. To perform any of these operations, issue an HTTP POST request with the appropriate URL. The body of the POST request is an XML document that contains information about a resource to create.
Update—Operations to modify information about search appliance. To update the information, issue an HTTP PUT request to the appropriate URL. The body of the PUT request is an XML document that contains information about a resource to update.
Delete—Operations to delete objects such as a collection or a front end. To perform any of these operations, issue an HTTP DELETE request to the appropriate URL. The URL contains information that identifies a resource to delete.

The search appliance verifies that all create and update requests contain valid XML, include all required data fields, and meet authentication requirements.

Authenticating Your Google Search Appliance Account

You can send API requests over HTTPS or HTTP.

Specify an authentication token with each API request. The search appliance uses the token to authorize access to the operation that you request. Authentication tokens are available only to users who have administrative rights to the search appliance, and the tokens authorize operations only within a search appliance.

To obtain an authentication token, submit an HTTP POST request to port 8443 on a search appliance as shown in the following URL:


The following guidelines apply to the request:

Include in the POST body a string in the following format:
Replace username with a user name that has an Admin Console administrator account.
Replace password with the password for the Admin Console account.
The POST request must specify the value application/x-www-form-urlencodedfor the Content-Type header.

The search appliance returns a response containing your authentication token in response to a POST request. The authentication token is the Auth value on that page, and you need to extract the token from the page. When you submit an API request, you must set the Content-Type and authorization headers as follows:

Content-type: application/atom+xml 
Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=your-authentication-token

Note: Authentication tokens expire after 24 hours or 30 minutes when not in use. Submit a request to the URL at least once again. We recommend that you keep the token in memory rather than writing the token to a file.

How the API Works

To execute an operation using the API, submit an HTTP POST, GET, PUT, or DELETE request to the URL that corresponds to the operation that you wish to perform. Each URL includes variables that identify the resource that you are creating, retrieving, updating or deleting. The URL pattern is as follows:


The Collection_Name and Entry values indicate a search appliance configuration. Note that all create and update requests (POST and PUT requests) also require that you submit an XML document that contains the information you need to fulfill the request. Send the content using the application/atom+xml content type. The section XML Request Formats explains the XML structures.

XML Element Definitions

The following XML elements can be used in a reporting API request. The elements are listed in the order that they appear in an API request.

Note: In API requests, the ampersand (&) character must be XML-escaped as &amp; when used in <gsa:content ...> values. For example:

<gsa:content name='followURLs'>^;b=1</gsa:content>



The <atom:feed> element encapsulates an API response to a request to retrieve all the information in one configuration collect.

Child Elements

atom:id, atom:link, atom:entry

Content Format



The <atom:entry> encapsulates an API request or an API Atom response.

Child Elements

atom:id, gsa:content, atom:link

Content Format




The <atom:id> element’s value identifies a permanent, unique identifier for a feed. This element is included in API responses.

Child Element


Content Format

String (IRI)



The <atom:link> tag provides an RFC 3987 IRI reference ( related to an API results feed or a resource in the feed.





The rel attribute identifies the relationship of the link to the API response feed.

If the value of the rel attribute is self, then the href attribute value is a link to the URL you use to request the feed.
If the value of the rel attribute is edit, then the href attribute value is the URL that you use to retrieve, update, or delete the resource.

Note: Use an HTTP GET request to retrieve a resource, an HTTP PUT request to update a resource, and an HTTP DELETE request to delete a resource.



The href attribute contains an URI reference that indicates how to retrieve or edit the information in an API response.

Parent Element


Content Format




The <atom:updated> tag identifies the date and time that an entry in an Atom feed was updated.

Parent Elements

atom:feed, atom:entry

Content Format




The <gsa:content> tag specifies properties of the search appliance Admin Console settings. The <entry> must contain at least one <gsa:content>. The attribute name specifies the name of property and the value for the property should be put in content.

Parent Element


Content Format


XML Request Formats

For API requests to create or update information (HTTP POST and PUT requests), the body of a request must be an XML document that provides the data necessary to complete a request.

For API requests to retrieve or delete information (HTTP GET and DELETE requests), the URL and HTTP request type specify all of the information that the search appliance needs to fulfill the request. Put all necessary information in the <gsa:content> XML tag.

The following example updates the crawl URLs in a search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’crawlURLs’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’startURLs’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’>
XML Response Formats

Depending on the API request, the search appliance Administrative API returns XML responses. The XML response is a Google Data Atom entry. The <entry> must contain at least one <gsa:content>. All the search appliance related information are put in <gsa:content> XML tag. For example, the following list defines a GSAEntry response as an XML document that contains information about the crawl URLs. The client libraries convert this XML response into a GSAEntry object.

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>crawlURLs</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’crawlURLs’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’startURLs’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’>

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Content Sources

The sections that follow describe how to configure the Content Sources features of the Admin Console:

Crawl URLs

Retrieve and update crawl URLs for a search appliance using the crawlURLs entry of the config feed.



Do not crawl URLs with the following URL patterns.


Follow and crawl only URLs with the following URL patterns.


Start crawling from the following URL patterns.

Retrieving Crawl URLs

To get the crawl URLs information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the config feed URL:


The following example requests the current crawl URLs values from a search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>crawlURLs</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’startURLs’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’>.xls$</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’followURLs’></gsa:content>
Updating Crawl URLs

To update Crawl URLs information for a search appliance, send an authenticated PUT request to the config feed URL:


The following example overwrites the crawl URLs specified in the entry to update:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>crawlURLs</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’startURLs’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’>.xls$</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’followURLs’></gsa:content>

Data Source Feed

Retrieve, delete, and destroy data source feed information for a search appliance using the feed feed. The Google Search Appliance supports an interface known as the “feeds interface,” which is different from a Google Data API feed. To differentiate between these terms, the feeds interface on the search appliance is referred to as a data source feed. For more information on data source feeds, see the Feeds Protocol Developer’s Guide.



To get all feed information, this parameter is the feed data source (feedDataSource). To get information on a single feed, this parameter is the query string. Each log line contains a query string to retrieve.


The first log line to retrieve. The default value is line 1.


The maximum number of log lines to retrieve. The default value is 50 lines.

The following properties provide data source feed information.



The number of documents that had errors and were not added to the data source feed.


The name of the data source feed.




The timestamp for the search appliance at the start of each stage (in milliseconds).




The starting line of the log.


The log content.


The number of documents that have completed indexing.


The end line of the log.


The total lines in the log.


The command sent to a search appliance to delete a data source feed. The value can only be delete.

Note: You can only get information about each data source feed, and whether to delete or destroy a feed. Inserting a new data source feed is not provided in this API.

Retrieving Data Source Feed Information

To retrieve information about all data source feeds for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the feed feed URL:


The following example result includes current feeds values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>
    <gsa:content name=’errorRecords’>0</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’successRecords’>1</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedType’>0</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedDataSource’>sample_feed2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedState’>2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedTime’>1229072207000</gsa:content>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>
    <gsa:content name=’errorRecords’>1</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’successRecords’>0</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedType’>0</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedDataSource’>sample_feed</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedState’>4</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’feedTime’>1229071883000</gsa:content>

Note: To get information about all feeds, specify a query to get the feedDataSource value. Alternatively, you can get all the feeds if you do not supply a query. Whether or not you supply a query, you can get information about at most five feeds for each feedDataSource value.

To get information about individual feeds from a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the feed feed URL:


The result is an entry that includes current values for an individual feed:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>
  <gsa:content name=’toLine’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’errorRecords’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’successRecords’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’logContent’>
    ProcessNode: Not match URL patterns, skipping record with URL:
  <gsa:content name=’feedType’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’fromLine’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’totalLines’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’feedDataSource’>sample_feed</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’feedState’>4</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’feedTime’>1229071883000</gsa:content>

Note: The feed log of each data source feed can only be retrieved as an individual feed.

Deleting a Data Source Feed

To delete a data source feed from a search appliance, you must delete one of its individual feed files by sending an authenticated PUT request to the feed feed URL:


The Feed_File_ID used in this command corresponds to an entryID, as shown in Retrieving Data Source Feed Information. To delete a data source, you must delete one of its feed files.

Use the following XML for the PUT request:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns:gsa="">
 <gsa:content name="updateMethod">delete</gsa:content>

Note: You can only delete full or incremental feed types. After deleting, the deleted feed name continues to exist, but has a feed type of DELETED. To remove a feed from existence use the destroy option.

Destroying a Data Source Feed

To destroy a data source feed from a search appliance, send an authenticated DELETE request to the feed feed URL:


Note: You can only destroy a data source feed after you delete the feed.

Feeds Trusted IP Addresses

Retrieve and update the trusted IP addresses for feeds for a search appliance using the feedTrustedIP entry of the config feed.



Trusted IP addresses: Either a list of IP addresses or all, which means trust all IP addresses. Separate multiple IP addresses with white space.

Retrieving Feeds Trusted IP Addresses

To get the feeds trusted IP address information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the config feed URL:


The result is an entry that includes current feeds trusted IP values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>feedTrustedIP</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’trustedIPs’>all</gsa:content>
Updating Feeds Trusted IP Addresses

To update feeds trusted IP information for a search appliance, send an authenticated PUT request to the config feed URL:


The following example updates the feeds trusted IP specified in an entry:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>feedTrustedIP</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’trustedIPs’></gsa:content>

Crawl Schedule

Retrieve and update the crawl schedule of a search using the crawSchedule entry of the config feed.



Displays 1 if the search appliance is in scheduled crawl mode or 0 if the search appliance is in continuous crawl mode.

You can also change crawl modes by setting 1 for scheduled crawl or 0 for continuous crawl mode.


The schedule of crawl, only available in scheduled crawl mode.

The crawlSchedule value is in format: Day,Time,Duration.


Day is a number representation for days of a week,
Time is 24 hour representation of time.
Duration is the representation for time period in minutes and it should not be longer than 1440 which mean 24 hours.

A scheduled crawl begins on the Day and Time and continues for the specified Duration.

Retrieving a Crawl Schedule

To check the crawl mode and get the crawl schedule, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The response is as follows:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>crawlSchedule</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isScheduledCrawl’>0</gsa:content>
Updating a Crawl Schedule

To update the crawl schedule, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following example changes the crawl schedule:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>crawlSchedule</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isScheduledCrawl’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’crawlSchedule’>0,0300,360 2,0000,1200</gsa:content>

The following example changes crawl mode to continuous crawl:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>crawlSchedule</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isScheduledCrawl’>0</gsa:content>

Crawler Access Rules

Create, retrieve, update, and delete crawler access rules on a search appliance.

Crawler access rules instruct the crawler how to authenticate when crawling protected content, as shown in the following list of properties:



Windows domain (for NTLM) or empty (for HTTP Basic authorization)


Indicates whether users can get results on both the public content (normally available to everyone) and the secure (confidential) content. The value can be 1 or 0. For the search appliance, crawler access can let the search appliance index secure content. If isPublic is 1, then the content can be searched by anyone. If isPublic is 0, then content can only be searched by users who can access the secure content.


The entries in crawler access rules are sequential rules. The order indicates the sequence. The order is an integer value starting from 1.


Password for authentication.


URL pattern that matches files with secure content.


User name for authentication.

Inserting a Crawler Access Rule

To insert a new crawl access rule, send an authenticated POST request to the following URL:


The following example inserts a new crawler access rule:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>
    #URL pattern for the new crawler access rule
  <gsa:content name=’domain’>domainone</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isPublic’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’username’>username</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’password’>password</gsa:content>
Retrieving Crawler Access Rules

To retrieve a list of crawl access rules, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example shows a sample result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
    type=’application/atom+xml’ href=’http://gsa:8000/feeds/crawlAccessNTLM’/>\
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’urlPattern’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’username’>userone</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’order’>1</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’domain’>domainone</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’isPublic’>0</gsa:content>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’urlPattern’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’username’>usertwo</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’order’>2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’domain’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’isPublic’>1</gsa:content>

To retrieve an individual crawler access rule, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example shows a sample result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’urlPattern’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’username’>userone</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’order’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’domain’>domainone</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isPublic’>0</gsa:content>

Note: The password property is not available when retrieving crawler access rules.

Updating a Crawler Access Rule

To update a crawl access rule, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following example request body shows the result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’urlPattern’>#new URL pattern</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’domain’>newdomain</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isPublic’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’order’>2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’username’>newuser</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’password’>newpass</gsa:content>
Deleting a Crawler Access Rule

To delete a crawl access rule, send an authenticated DELETE request to the following URL:


Host Load Schedule

Retrieve and update the host load schedule for a search appliance using the hostLoad entry of the config feed.



The default web server host load, a float value.


Exceptions to the default web server host load. This property consists of one or more lines of text in the following format:

hostName startTime endTime loadFactor


hostName is a URL or asterisk (*) to represent all hosts. If a hostName contains multiple load data values, separate the host name into multiple lines with each line containing one load value. The values cannot overlap.
startTime and endTime are integer values between 0 and 23 and represent when to start and end crawling.
loadFactor is a float value from 0 to 4 that represents the processing load on a search appliance, where 0 is unloaded and 4 is overloaded.


Maximum number of URLs to crawl, an integer value.

Retrieving a Host Load Schedule

To get the host load schedule information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the config feed URL:


The result is an entry that contains the current host load schedule values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>hostLoad</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’defaultHostLoad’>3.6</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’exceptionHostLoad’> 1 2 2.3</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’maxURLs’>2000</gsa:content>
Updating a Host Load Schedule

To update the host load schedule information for a search appliance, send an authenticated PUT request to the config feed URL:


The following example overwrites a host load schedule:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>hostLoad</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’defaultHostLoad’>2.4</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’exceptionHostLoad’>
    * 3 5 1.2 1 6 3.6
  <gsa:content name=’maxURLs’>3000</gsa:content>

Freshness Tuning

Increase or decrease how often a search appliance crawls a URL pattern using the freshness entry to the config feed.



URL patterns for pages that contain archival or rarely changing content.


URL patterns for pages to recrawl regardless of their response to If-Modified-Since request headers.


URL patterns for pages on which content changes often (typically more than once a day).

Retrieving Freshness Tuning Settings

To get the settings for freshness tuning, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The response is as follows:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>freshness</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’archiveURLs’>http://good/</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’frequentURLs’>http://frequent/</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’forceURLs’>http://force/</gsa:content>
Updating Freshness Tuning Settings

To update the settings for freshness tuning, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following is an example of a request body:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>freshness</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’archiveURLs’>http://good/</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’frequentURLs’>http://frequent/</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’forceURLs’>http://force/</gsa:content>

Recrawl URL Patterns

Recrawl URL patterns using the recrawlNow entry to the command feed.

If you discover a set of URLs that you want crawled (usually because changes made to the web pages or because of a temporary error or misconfiguration present when the crawler last tried to crawl the URL), you can enter the pattern to inject it quickly into the queue of URLs the search appliance is crawling.



URL patterns to be recrawled.

Recrawling URL Patterns

To recrawl URL patterns, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following is an example of a request body:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>recrawlNow</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’recrawlURLs’>http://recrawl/page.html</gsa:content>

The following is an example of a request body with multiple recrawl URLs:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>recrawlNow</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’recrawlURLs’>http://recrawl/page1.html

Connector Managers

Insert, retrieve, update, and delete connector managers on a search appliance.



A description of the connector manager.


The status of the connection between a Google Search Appliance and the connector manager deployed on an application server. The value can be Connected or Disconnected. The Disconnected mode can occur if the application server is down or there are problems on the network.


The URL of the application server where the connector manager is installed.

Inserting a Connector Manager

To insert a new connector manager, send an authenticated POST request to the following URL:


The following example inserts a new connector manager:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>ConnectorManagerOne</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’description’>Connector Manager One Description</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’url’></gsa:content>
Retrieving Connector Managers

To retrieve a list of connector managers, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example shows a sample result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
   type=’application/atom+xml’ href=’http://gsa:8000/feeds/connectorManager’/>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>ConnectorManagerOne</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’status’>Disconnected</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’description’>
      Connector Manager One Description</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’url’></gsa:content>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>ConnectorManagerTwo</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’status’>Disconnected</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’description’>
      Connector Manager Two Description
    <gsa:content name=’url’></gsa:content>

To retrieve an individual connector manager, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example shows a sample result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>ConnectorManagerOne</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’status’>Disconnected</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’description’>Connector Manager One Description</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’url’></gsa:content>
Updating a Connector Manager

To update the description and url in a connector manager, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following example request body shows the result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’description’>new description</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’url’>#new URL</gsa:content>
Deleting a Connector Manager

To delete a connector manager, send an authenticated DELETE request to the following URL:


OneBox Settings

Retrieve or update a OneBox setting for a search appliance using the oneboxSetting entry of the config feed.



Maximum number of OneBox results per search.


OneBox response timeout.

Retrieving OneBox Settings

To get a OneBox setting for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the config feed URL:


The following example result is an entry that includes current OneBox setting values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>oneboxSetting</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’maxResults’>2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’timeout’>1000</gsa:content>
Updating OneBox Settings

To update the OneBox settings for a search appliance, send an authenticated PUT request to the config feed URL:


The following example overwrites the OneBox setting specified in the entry to update:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
  <entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>oneboxSetting</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’maxResults’>3</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’timeout’>2000</gsa:content>

OneBox Modules

Retrieve the names of and delete OneBox modules from a search appliance using the onebox feed.

Note: This API does not support adding, updating, or viewing detailed configuration information for a OneBox module.



The log content for OneBox logs.

Retrieving OneBox Module Names

To get the OneBox information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the onebox feed URL:


The following example retrieves the current OneBox values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
    type=’application/atom+xml’ href=’http://gsa:8000/feeds/onebox’/>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>oneboxone</gsa:content>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>oneboxtwo</gsa:content>

Note: Because this API does not support retrieving detailed OneBox configuration information, retrieving the onebox feed supplies only the names of each OneBox module.

To view OneBox information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the onebox feed URL for a OneBox name:


The result is an entry that includes current individual OneBox values for a search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>oneboxone</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’logContent’>onebox logs</gsa:content>

Note: The logs for each OneBox can only be retrieved by getting separate information for each OneBox.

Deleting a OneBox Module

To delete a OneBox module from a search appliance, send an authenticated DELETE request to the onebox feed URL:


Crawl Status

Check the crawl status, and also pause or resume crawl using the pauseCrawl entry of the command feed.



Set to 1 to check to see if crawl on a search appliance is paused. You can also use this property to pause the crawl.
Set to 0 to verify that a search appliance is crawling. You can also use this property to start the crawl.
Retrieving the Crawl Status

To check status of crawl, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The response result is as follows:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>pauseCrawl</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’pauseCrawl’>0</gsa:content>
Pausing or Resuming Crawl

To pause or resume crawl, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following is an example of a request to resume crawl:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>pauseCrawl</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’pauseCrawl’>0</gsa:content>

Document Status

Retrieve the status of the documents that have been crawled and served using the documentStatus entry of the status feed. The properties for the document status are:



The number of documents crawled since midnight. (Midnight pertains to the time that is set on the search appliance.)


Current crawling rate measured in pages per second.


Document errors that occurred since midnight on the search appliance.


Document bytes that have been filtered by domain, language, file type, or metadata.


The number of URLs found that match crawl patterns.


The number of total documents that have been served.

Retrieving Document Status

To retrieve document status, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The response result is as follows:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>documentStatus</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’servedURLs’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’crawlPagePerSecond’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’crawledURLsToday’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’foundURLs’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’filteredBytes’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’errorURLsToday’>0</gsa:content>

Back to top


The sections that follow describe how to configure the Index features of the Admin Console:


Create, retrieve, update, and delete collections on a search appliance.

A collection is a group of URL patterns that can be searched separately from other URL patterns.



The name of a collection to create (only required when creating a new collection).


The URL patterns to exclude from this collection.


The URL patterns to include in this collection.


The collection settings exported from the Admin Console. Only required when creating a new collection by the import method.


The method of creating (only required when creating a new collection). Possible values: default, customize, and import.

Creating a Collection

To create a new collection, send an authenticated POST request to the following URL:


To create a new collection with a default setting, use the following entry:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’collectionName’>new_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’insertMethod’>default</gsa:content>

To specify the settings for a new collection, send the following entry:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’collectionName’>new_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’insertMethod’>customize</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’followURLs’>#url in new collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’># url not in new collection</gsa:content>
Retrieving All Collections

To retrieve a list of collections, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example shows a sample result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance</generator>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>default_collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’followURLs’>/</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’></gsa:content>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>new_collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’followURLs’>#urls in new collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’></gsa:content>
Retrieving a Collection

To retrieve an attribute in a single collection, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example response shows the result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’followURLs’>/</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’></gsa:content>
Updating a Collection

To update an attribute in a collection, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following example request body shows the result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’followURLs’>#updated urls</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’doNotCrawlURLs’></gsa:content>
Deleting a Collection

To delete a collection, send an authenticated DELETE request to the following URL:


Index Diagnostics

List crawled documents and retrieve the status of documents in a search appliance using the diagnostics feed.

Document Status Values

The following tables list document status values.

Note: Use all to indicate any status value.

Successful Crawl:



Crawled from remote server


Crawled from cache

Crawl Errors:



Redirect with no location header


Document not found (404)


Other HTTP 400 Errors


HTTP 0 error


Permanent DNS failure


Empty document


Image conversion failed


Authentication failed


Conversion error


HTTP 500 error


Robots.txt unreachable


Temporary DNS failure


Connection failed


Connection timeout


Connection closed


Connection refused


Connection reset


No route to host


Other error

Crawl Exclusions:



Not in URLs to crawl


In URLs not to crawl


Off domain redirect


Long redirect chain


Infinite URL space


Unhandled protocol


URL too long


Robots no-index


Rejected by rewrite rules


Unknown extension


Disallowed by a meta tag


Disallowed by robots


Unhandled content type


No filter for content type


Robots.txt forbidden

Listing Crawled Documents

Query parameters:



Name of the collection that you want to list. The default value is the last used collection.


false: List the files and directories that directly belong to an indicated URI. true: List all files starting with an indicated URI as a flat list. The default value is false.


false: Just return documents with a status that is equal to view. true : Just return documents with a status that is not equal to view. The default value is false.


The page you want to view. The files from a URI may be separated into several pages to return. The page number starts from 1. The default value is 1, the first page.


The key field of sorting. host: sort by host name, file: sort by file name, crawled: sort by crawled doc number, errors sort by errors number, excluded sort by excluded doc number. The default value is "".


The prefix of the URI of the documents that you want to list. If not blank, it must contain at least The default value is "".


A filter of the document status. The values of view are described in the section Document Status Values. The default value is all.

To list documents, send an authenticated GET request to root entry of diagnostics feed.


Returns a description entry, a set of documents status entries and a set of directories status entries.

Description entry properties:


<Entry Name>



The total number of pages to return.


The prefix of the URL taken from the query parameters.

Directory status entry properties:


<Entry Name>

The URL of a directory.


The number of crawled documents in a directory.


The number of excluded URL patterns in a directory.


The number of retrieval error for documents in a directory.


DirectoryContentData or HostContentData.

Document status entry properties:


<Entry Name>

The URL pattern of a document to check its status.


The status of a document. The values of docState are described in Document Status Values.


Indicates if the cookie server encountered an error.


The last time that the search appliance indexed a document.




<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
    type=’application/atom+xml’ href=’http://gsa:8000/feeds/diagnostics’/>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>
    <gsa:content name=’numCrawledURLs’>217</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’numExcludedURLs’>0</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’type’>DirectoryContentData</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’numRetrievalErrors’>0</gsa:content>
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>
    <gsa:content name=’isCookieServerError’>0</gsa:content
    <gsa:content name=’timeStamp’>1238042696</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’docState’>2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’type’>FileContentData</gsa:content>
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>description</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’numPages’>1</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’uriAt’></gsa:content>
Getting Crawled Document Status

Get the status for documents that have been crawled for a collection.



Name of the collection for which you want to list the document status. The default value is the last used collection.

To retrieve detailed information for a document, send an authenticated GET request to a document entry of the diagnostics feed.


A detailed document status entry is returned with the following properties.


<Entry Name>

The URL of a document.


The number of backward links for the document.


The list of collections that contain the document.


The size of the document content.


The type of the document.


The frequency at which the document is being scheduled to crawl, with possible values of seldom, normal, and frequent.


A multi-line history of the document crawl including the timestamp when the document was crawled, the document status code and description in the following format:

timestamp  status_code  status_description
timestamp  status_code  status_description

For status code values, see Document Status Values.


If the document is currently in process.


The date that the document was indexed.


The number of forward links for the document.


If a cached page for the document is indexed.


The last modified date of the document.


The timestamp of the version being served.

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?> 
<entry xmlns=’’ 
<app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
<link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
<link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
<gsa:content name=’entryID’></gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’backwardLinks’>0</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’forwardLinks’>0</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’isCached’>1</gsa:content>
<gsa:content name=’lastModifiedDate’>-1</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’collectionList’>Default,default_collection</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’date’>-1</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’currentlyInFlight’>0</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’contentSize’>641</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’contentType’>text/html</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’crawlFrequency’>normal</gsa:content> 
<gsa:content name=’crawlHistory’>
1245977534      2      Unchanged. 
1245955634      1      Crawled: New Document 
1245951054      2      Unchanged.
<gsa:content name=’latestOnDisk’>1245977534</gsa:content> 

Content Statistics

Get content statistics for each kind of documents using the contentStatistics feed.

Common query parameters for all requests:



Name of the collection which you want to list. The default value is the last used collection.

Content statistics entry properties:


<Entry Name>

The content type of documents, such as plain/text.


The average document size of this content type.


The maximal document size of this content type.


The minimal document size of this content type.


The file number of this content type.


The total document size of this content type.

Retrieving Content Statistics for All Document Types

To retrieve content statistics for all kinds of document in a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the root entry of the contentStatistics feed.


A list of content statistics entries is returned.

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
  <feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>text/html</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’numFiles’>1,037</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’minSize’>606</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’avgSize’>2.5k</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’totalSize’>2.5M</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’maxSize’>38k</gsa:content>
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>text/pdf</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’numFiles’>3</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’minSize’>24k</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’avgSize’>136k</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’totalSize’>407k</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’maxSize’>217k</gsa:content>
Retrieving Content Statistics for a Document Type

To retrieve content statistics for a document type in a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the content statistics entry of the contentStatistics feed.


A content statistics entry is returned.

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
  <entry xmlns=’’ 
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>text/pdf</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’numFiles’>3</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’minSize’>24k</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’avgSize’>136k</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’totalSize’>407k</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’maxSize’>217k</gsa:content>

Reset Index

Reset your crawling queues and delete your search index, removing all its contents.

Note: If you reset an index that has a large document corpus, recrawling the index can take many days to complete.



Set to 1 to reset the index or 0 to not reset the index. If viewing, 1 indicates that the index was reset, 0 indicates that the index was not reset.


Status code for resetting the index.


Status message. Possible values are ERROR, PROGRESS, or READY.

Retrieving Status After Resetting the Index

To check the status of resetting the index, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


An example response result is as follows:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>resetIndex</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’resetStatusCode’>2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’resetIndex’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’resetStatusMessage’>PROGRESS</gsa:content>
Resetting the Index

To reset the index, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following is an example of resetting the index:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’resetIndex’>1</gsa:content>

Back to top


The sections that follow describe how to configure the Search features of the Admin Console:

Front Ends, Remove URLs, and Relative OneBoxes

Retrieve, update, and delete front ends, remove URLs, and relative OneBox modules for a search appliance using the frontend feed. A relative OneBox is a OneBox module that you assign to work with a front end. Remove URLs are URL patterns that you want to exclude from appearing in an index for a front end.



OneBox modules for a front end. Specify a comma-separated list of OneBox module names. The OneBox names display in alphabetic order.


Remove URLs for a front end.

Retrieving Front Ends, Remove URLs, and Relative OneBoxes

To get front end information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the frontend feed URL:


The following result is a feed that includes current front ends values for a search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ type=’application/atom+xml’
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>default_frontend</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’frontendOnebox’>oneboxone,oneboxtwo</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’removeUrls’></gsa:content>

To get the individual front end information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the frontend feed URL for the front end name:


The following result is an entry that includes current individual front end values for a search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>default_frontend</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’frontendOnebox’>oneboxone,oneboxtwo</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’removeUrls’></gsa:content>
Updating Remove URLs and Relative OneBoxes

To update the remove URLs and relative OneBoxes that are associated with a front end for a search appliance, send an authenticated PUT request to the frontend feed URL:


The following example updates the values for remove URLs and relative OneBox modules for a front end:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>default_frontend</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’frontendOnebox’>oneboxtwo</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’removeUrls’></gsa:content>
Inserting Remove URLs and Relative OneBoxes

To insert a front end and remove URLs for a search appliance, send an authenticated POST request to the frontend feed URL:


The following example specifies a URL pattern to remove from an index for the frontend_one front end:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>frontend_one</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’removeUrls’></gsa:content>

Note: When inserting a new front end, the frontendOnebox property is not supported.

Deleting a Front End

To delete a front end from a search appliance, send an authenticated DELETE request to the frontend feed URL:


Output Format XSLT Stylesheet

Retrieve and update XSLT template and other output format related properties for each language of each front end using the frontend entry of the outputFormat feed.



Specify a language for the output format properties that you want to retrieve. Each front end can contain multiple languages, and each language has its own output format properties. Each front end + language can have its own XSLT stylesheet. The language parameter enables you to retrieve and update a stylesheet for a front end associated with a language.

Administrators who use the Admin Console set the language in their browser and the Admin Console then displays in that language (if the Admin Console has been translated into that language). Hence the language parameter for the outputFormat feed is limited to the values to which the Admin Console is translated.

Use the following properties to retrieve an output format stylesheet.



1 if the designated language is the default language for the specified front end, 0 if not.


0 if the style sheet has default values, 1 if the style sheet has been edited.


In a retrieving operation, language is determined by the language specified by query parameter. In an updating operation, language is passed as an entry property to specify the language of the output stylesheet.


1 if you want to restore a custom-edited XSLT stylesheet to contain default values, a 0 value has no effect.


The output format of the XSLT code.

Note: For an update action, the restoreDefaultFormat content is mutually exclusive from the styleSheetContent. For each update action, you can restore the output format style sheet XSLT back to its original default values, or set the style sheet XSLT to a custom format, or neither, but not both.

Retrieving the Output Format XSLT Stylesheet

To get the output format stylesheet information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the outputFormat feed URL:


The result is an entry that includes all stylesheet information for the designated Front_End and Language_Code:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>default_frontend</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isStyleSheetEdited’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’styleSheetContent’>
&lt;!-- *** START OF STYLESHEET *** --&gt;
&lt;xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=&quot;;version=&quot;1.0&quot;& 
&lt;xsl:include href=&quot;customer-onebox.xsl&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xsl:output method=&quot;html&quot;/&gt;
&lt;xsl:variable name=&quot;show_logo&quot;&gt;1&lt;/xsl:variable&gt;
&lt;xsl:variable name=&quot;logo_url&quot;&gt;images/Title_Left.png&lt;/xsl:variable&gt;
&lt;xsl:variable name=&quot;logo_width&quot;&gt;200&lt;/xsl:variable&gt;
&lt;xsl:variable name=&quot;logo_height&quot;&gt;78&lt;/xsl:variable&gt;........&lt;xsl:templa 
te match=&quot;@*|node()&quot;/&gt;
&lt;!-- *** END OF STYLESHEET *** --&gt;
  <gsa:content name=’isDefaultLanguage’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’language’>en</gsa:content>
Updating the Output Format XSLT Stylesheet

To update the output format stylesheet information for a search appliance, send an authenticated PUT request to the outputFormat feed URL:


Specify the language parameter in the language property of the entry to update.

This value overwrites the stylesheet properties specified in the entry to update for the designated Front_End and Language_Code:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>default_frontend</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’language’>en</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’restoreDefaultFormat’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’styleSheetContent’>
&lt;!-- *** START OF STYLESHEET *** --&gt;
&lt;!-- XML escaped XSLT code goes here --&gt;
&lt;!-- *** END OF STYLESHEET *** --&gt;
  <gsa:content name=’isDefaultLanguage’>1</gsa:content>


Retrieve or update KeyMatch settings on a search appliance using the keymatch feed. KeyMatch lets you promote specific web pages on your site. The parameters for this feed are:



A query string to perform a full-text search. For example, if you specify computer in the query parameter, then you will get all KeyMatch settings that contain the word computer.


The starting line number of a result, the default value is 0 results.


The number of result lines in a response, the default value is 50 lines of results.

The keymatch feed has the following properties:



The line_number of the KeyMatch configuration rule.


The KeyMatch settings to replace the existing values. You can specify multiple lines of KeyMatch values. The line delimiter is \n.


The total number of result lines.


The original KeyMatch settings to change. You can include multiple lines of KeyMatch values. The line delimiter is \n.


The starting line number of the KeyMatch configuration to change. The minimum value is 0.


The method to change KeyMatch configurations. Possible values are:

update. Update part of the KeyMatch configuration table to the new configurations. You can also delete KeyMatch configurations using the update method, as shown in Updating KeyMatch Settings.
append. Add a new KeyMatch configuration to the end of the KeyMatch configuration table.
replace. Delete all rules in the KeyMatch configuration table and then append the new rules that you provide.

A KeyMatch configuration rule is in the following format:


The KeyMatch_Type is one of the three values, KeywordMatch, PhraseMatch, and ExactMatch. The Search_Terms and URL fields cannot be empty. The KeyMatch configuration conforms to the CSV format, which uses a comma to separate values.

Retrieving KeyMatch Settings

To get KeyMatch settings, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example retrieves KeyMatch settings—note that gsa:content name="2" (or 0 or 1) shows the use of the line_number property:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<entry xmlns=""
  <link href="http://ent1:8000/feeds/keymatch/default_frontend" 
    rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <link href="http://ent1:8000/feeds/keymatch/default_frontend" 
    rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <gsa:content name="entryID">default_frontend</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name="2">
    Google News,ExactMatch,,News
  <gsa:content name="numLines">3</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name="1">
    Google Search,PhraseMatch,,I’m Feeling Lucky! 
  <gsa:content name="0">
    Python,KeywordMatch,,Python Programming Language
Updating KeyMatch Settings

To change KeyMatch settings, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following example appends KeyMatch settings:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’
  <gsa:content name=’updateMethod’>append</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’newLines’>
   image,KeywordMatch,,Google Image Search
   rss feed,PhraseMatch,,Reader

The following example updates KeyMatch settings:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’
  <gsa:content name=’updateMethod’>update</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’startLine’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’originalLines’>
    image,KeywordMatch,,Google Image Search
    video,KeywordMatch,,Youtube rss
  <gsa:content name=’newLines’>
    video,KeywordMatch,,Video Search
    rss feed,PhraseMatch,,RSS example

Note: To delete a KeyMatch setting, specify a line as three commas (,,,).

The following example replaces a KeyMatch setting:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’
  <gsa:content name=’updateMethod’>replace</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’newLines’>
    image,KeywordMatch,,Google Image Search
    rss feed,PhraseMatch,,Reader

Related Queries

Retrieve or update related queries on a search appliance using the synonym feed. (Related queries are also known as synonyms.)

Use related queries to associate alternative words or phrases with specified search terms.



A query string to perform a full-text search. For example, if you specify computer in the query parameter, then you can view all related query settings that contain the word computer.


The starting line number of the results, the default value is 0 lines.


The number of result lines in a response, the default value is 50 lines.

Use the following properties:



The line_number of a related query configuration rule in the list of rules.


The new related query configuration to change. You can include multiple lines of related query values. The line delimiter is \n.


The number of total result lines.


The original related query configurations to change. You can include multiple lines of related query values. The line delimiter is \n.


The starting line number of the related query configuration to change. The minimum value is 0.


The method to change related query configurations. Possible values are:

update. Update part of the related query configuration table to the new configurations. You can also delete related query configurations using the update method example in Updating Related Queries.
append. Add a new related query configuration to the end of the related query configuration table.
replace. Delete all rules in the related query configuration table and then append a new rule that you provide.

A related queries configuration rule is in the following format:


The Search_Terms and the Related_Queries values cannot be empty. The related queries configuration conforms to the CSV format, which uses a comma to separate values.

Retrieving Related Queries

To get related queries, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL (wrapped for readability):


The following example retrieves related queries:

<entry xmlns=""
  <link href="" 
    rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <link href="" 
    rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <gsa:content name="entryID">default_frontend</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name="2">stock,security</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name="numLines">3</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name="1">google,googol</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name="0">airplane,aircraft</gsa:content>
Updating Related Queries

To change related queries, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following example appends related queries:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’
  <gsa:content name=’updateMethod’>append</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’newLines’>

The following example updates related queries:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’
  <gsa:content name=’updateMethod’>update</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’startLine’>0</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’originalLines’>
  <gsa:content name=’newLines’>

Note: To delete an existing setting, specify a line as a single comma (,).

The following example replaces all related queries:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’
  <gsa:content name=’updateMethod’>replace</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’newLines’>

Query Suggestion

There are two features for working with query suggestions:

Query Suggestion Blacklist

The query suggestion blacklist supports the /suggest feature described in the Query Suggestion Service /suggest Protocol chapter of the Search Protocol Reference. This feature uses the suggest feed to retrieve and update the query suggestion blacklist entries.



Content of the suggest blacklist file.

The query suggestion blacklist supports the regular expressions in the re2 library ( If you want specify an exact match, you need to use the following syntax:


Retrieving Query Suggestion Blacklist Information

Retrieve query suggestion blacklist information as follows:

GET request
URL: http://Search_Appliance:8000/feeds/suggest/suggestBlacklist

Updating Query Suggestion Blacklist Entries

Update query suggestion blacklist entries as follows:

PUT request
URL: http://Search_Appliance:8000/feeds/suggest/suggestBlacklist
<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’suggestBlacklist’>
Query Suggestion Refresh

The query suggestion refresh supports the /suggest feature described in the Query Suggestion Service /suggest Protocol chapter of the Search Protocol Reference. This feature uses the suggest feed to refresh the query suggestion database.



Triggers a query suggestion refresh.

Refresh query suggestions as follows:

PUT request
URL: http://Search_Appliance:8000/feeds/suggest/suggestRefresh
<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom=’’ 
<gsa:content name=’suggestRefresh’>1</gsa:content>

Search Status

Retrieve serving status for a search appliance using the servingStatus entry of the status feed.



Average queries per minute recently served on the search appliance.


Recent search latency in seconds.

Retrieving the Serving Status Entry

To get the current search appliance serving status, send an authenticated GET request to the status feed URL:


The following result is an entry that includes the current serving status values for the search appliance:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entry xmlns=""
 <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://gsa:8002/feeds/status/servingStatus"/>
 <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://gsa:8002/feeds/status/servingStatus"/>
 <gsa:content name="entryID">servingStatus</gsa:content>
 <gsa:content name="searchLatency">0.07</gsa:content>
 <gsa:content name="queriesPerMinute">0.6</gsa:content>

Back to top


The sections that follow describe how to configure the Reports features of the Admin Console:

Search Reports

Generate, update and delete search log using the searchReport feed and the following properties.


<Entry Name>



(Write only) The collection name, which is only needed when creating a search report.


Terms to exclude when running scripts that create diagnostic data from test queries. All the specified terms in a search query are removed from the report. Use commas to separate multiple terms.


(Read only) Indicates if the search report contains the final result. If so, it means the last update date is later than reportDate.


(Read only) The search report content, which is only returned when get search report content and content is ready.


(Read only) The creation date of the search report.


The dates of the queries that are collected in the search report.


(Write only) The report name, which is only needed when creating a search report.


(Read only) The status of the search report. 0: Initialized; 1: Report in progress; 2: Report competed; 3: Non-final complete report is being generated; 4: Last report generation failed.


The number of top queries to be generated.


Indicates if a search has results. The default value is false.

Listing a Search Report

List a search report using the following query parameters:



Collection name for the search report. The default value is all.collections.

To list search report entries, send an authenticated GET request to the root entry of the searchReport feed.


A list of search report entries are returned.

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
  <feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
    type=’application/atom+xml’ href=’http://gsa:8000/feeds/searchReport’/>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>aaa@default_collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’diagnosticTerms’>comments</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportState’>2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
      March 26, 2009 12:14:14 AM PDT
    <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>month_3_2009</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’withResults’>true</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’topCount’>100</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>bbb@default_collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’diagnosticTerms’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportState’>2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
      March 26, 2009 12:24:16 AM PDT
    <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>month_3_2009</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’withResults’>true</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’topCount’>100</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Creating a Search Report

Create a new search report entry by sending an authenticated POST request to the root entry of the searchReport feed.


The possible date formats for reports are as follows.








Date range


An example request with content is:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
  <entry xmlns=’’ 
    <gsa:content name=’reportName’>bbb</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’collectionName’>default_collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>month_3_2009</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’withResults’>true</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’topCount’>100</gsa:content>

A new search report entry is generated and returned:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>bbb@default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’diagnosticTerms’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportState’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
    March 26, 2009 12:22:25 AM PDT
  <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>month_3_2009</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’withResults’>true</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’topCount’>100</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Retrieving a Search Report

To check search report status and retrieve search log content, send an authenticated GET request to a search report entry of the searchReport feed.


The following is a returned search report entry that contains log content (if the content is ready):

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>aaa@default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’diagnosticTerms’>comments</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportState’>2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportContent’>******Report Content******</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
    March 26, 2009 12:14:14 AM PDT
  <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>month_3_2009</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’withResults’>true</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’topCount’>100</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Updating a Search Report

Update the search report status and get search report content by sending an authenticated PUT request to a search report entry of the searchReport feed. There are no properties for this feed.


An example request with content is:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 

A search log entry is returned:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>bbb@default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’diagnosticTerms’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportState’>3</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
    March 26, 2009 12:22:25 AM PDT
  <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>month_3_2009</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’withResults’>true</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’topCount’>100</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Deleting a Search Report

To update the search report status and get search log content, send an authenticated DELETE request to a search report entry of the searchReport feed.


A search report entry will be deleted.

Search Logs

Generate, update, and delete search logs using the searchLog feed.

Search log entry properties:


<Entry Name>



(Write only) The collection name, which is only needed when creating a search log.


(Read only) The starting line of a search log that returns in logContent. This property is only returned when getting search log content and the content is ready.


(Read only) Indicates if the search log contains the final result. If so, it means the last update date is later than reportDate.


(Read only) A part of the search log content that is returned when getting search log content and the content is ready.


(Read only) The creation date of a search log.


The dates for the queries that are collected in the search log.


(Write only) The report name, which is only needed when creating a search log.


(Read only) The status of the search log: 0: Initialized; 1: Report is in progress; 2: Report competed; 3: Non-final complete report is in progress; 4: Last report generation failed.


(Read only) The ending line of the search log that is returned in logContent. This property is only returned when getting search log content and the content is ready.


(Read only) The number of lines in the search log that are returned in logContent. This property is only returned when getting search log content and the content is ready.

Listing a Search Log

List the entries in a search log using the following query parameters:



Collection Name of a search log. The default value is all.collections.

To list search log entries, send an authenticated GET request to root entry of the searchLog feed.


A list of search log entries is returned:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
    type=’application/atom+xml’ href=’http://gsa:8000/feeds/searchLog’/>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>aaa@default_collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportState’>2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
      March 25, 2009 11:20:20 PM PDT
    <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>date_3_25_2009</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
    <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>bbb@default_collection</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportState’>2</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
      March 25, 2009 11:42:28 PM PDT
    <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>date_3_25_2009</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Creating a Search Log

To create a new search log entry, send an authenticated POST request to the root entry of the searchLog feed:


A request with content is as follows:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’reportName’>bbb</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’collectionName’>default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>date_3_25_2009</gsa:content>

A new search log entry generates and returns:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>bbb@default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportState’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
    March 25, 2009 11:42:28 PM PDT
  <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>date_3_25_2009</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Retrieving Search Log Content

To check the search log status and get search log content, send an authenticated GET request to a search

log entry of the searchLog feed using the following parameters.



Query string for the logContent. The logContent contains many lines of logs. The query string applies to each line and only lines that contain the query string are returned.


The maximum logContent lines to retrieve. The default value is 50 lines.


The first logContent lines to retrieve. The default value is 1 line.



A search log entry with logContent (if content is ready) returns:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>aaa@default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’toLine’>2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’logContent’>! - - [25/Mar/2009:23:18:43 -0800] &quot;GET 
  ip= HTTP/1.1&quot; 200 2432 3 0.02! - - [25/Mar/2009:23:18:14 -0800] &quot;GET 
  ip= HTTP/1.1&quot; 200 2432 3 0.02
  <gsa:content name=’reportState’>2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’fromLine’>1</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’totalLines’>2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
    March 25, 2009 11:20:20 PM PDT
  <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>date_3_25_2009</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Updating a Search Log

To update the search log status and get search log content, send an authenticated PUT request to a search log entry of the searchLog feed. There are no properties for this use of the searchLog feed:


Specify a request with content:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 

A search log entry returns:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>bbb@default_collection</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportState’>3</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’reportCreationDate’>
    March 25, 2009 11:42:28 PM PDT
  <gsa:content name=’reportDate’>date_3_25_2009</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’isFinal’>false</gsa:content>
Deleting a Search Log

To update the search log status and get search log content, send an authenticated DELETE request to a search log entry of the searchLog feed.


A search log entry will be deleted.

Back to top

GSA Unification

The sections that follow describe how to configure the GSA Unification features of the Admin Console:

GSA Unification is also known as dynamic scalability. GSA Unification features are provided by the federation feed.

Configuring a GSA Unification Network

Retrieve, update, create, or delete the GSA Unification node configuration and retrieve the node configuration of all nodes in the network on the Google Search Appliance.



The ID of the search appliance, required to identify the node in node operations.


The private tunnel IP address (virtual address) for the node. This address must be an RFC 1918 address.

Note: A GSA Unification works best when the IP addresses of the nodes are numerically near, such as,,, and so on. The search appliance disallows a GSA Unification for nodes that are not in the same /16 subnet. This is a problem only if there are more than 65534 nodes in a GSA Unification network. GSA Unification nodes communicate on TCP port 10999.


The host name of the search appliance.


The type of search appliance. Possible values:

PRIMARY: The node merges results from other nodes.
SECONDARY: The node serves results to the other nodes.
PRIMARY_AND_SECONDARY: The node acts as both a Primary and Secondary node.


The scoring bias value for this node. Valid values are integers between -99 and 99. The scoring bias value reflects the weighting to be given to results from this node. A higher value means a higher weighting. The values and their equivalent in the Admin Console are:


The secret token that you use to establish a connection to this node. This token can be any non-empty string. The remote search appliance needs this token for the connection handshake.

Adding a GSA Unification Node

To add a GSA Unification node, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following is an example of a request body:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>S4-JAX9N2PQ4GNAB</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’nodeType’>SECONDARY</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’federationNetworkIP’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’secretToken’>token</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’hostname’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’scoringBias’>20</gsa:content>

Retrieving a Node Configuration

To retrieve the configuration information about a GSA Unification node, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example shows a sample result for a secondary node:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>S4-JAX9N2PQ4GNAB</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’nodeType’>SECONDARY</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’federationNetworkIP’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’secretToken’>token</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’hostname’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’scoringBias’>20</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’remoteFrontend’>remoteFrontend</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’slaveTimeout’>100</gsa:content>

The following example shows a sample result for a primary node:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>S4-JAX9N2PQ4GNAB</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’nodeType’>PRIMARY</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’federationNetworkIP’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’secretToken’>token</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’hostname’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’secondaryNodes’>Appliance_ID1, Appliance_ID2</gsa:content>

Retrieving All Node Configurations

To retrieve information on all GSA Unification nodes, send an authenticated GET request to the following URL:


The following example shows a sample result for a secondary node:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<feed xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’’ 
    type=’application/atom+xml’ href=’http://gsa:8000/feeds/federation’/>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <generator version=’0.5’ uri=’http://gsa:8000/gsa’>
    Google Search Appliance
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>Appliance_Id1</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’nodeType’>SECONDARY</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’federationNetworkIP’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’secretToken’>token</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’hostname’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’scoringBias’>20</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’remoteFrontend’>remoteFrontend</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’slaveTimeout’>100</gsa:content>
    <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
    <gsa:content name=’entryID’>Appliance_Id</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’nodeType’>PRIMARY</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’federationNetworkIP’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’secretToken’>token1</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’hostname’></gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’scoringBias’>40</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name=’secondaryNodes’></gsa:content>

Updating a Node Configuration

To update the configuration of a node in the GSA Unification network, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


Note: Changing the Appliance Id isn’t possible in an update request. In this case the search appliance should be deleted from the network and added again.

The following example request body shows the result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>Appliance_Id</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’nodeType’>SECONDARY</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’federationNetworkIP’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’secretToken’>token2</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’hostname’></gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’scoringBias’>40</gsa:content>

Deleting a Node

To delete a node from the GSA Unification network, send an authenticated DELETE request to the following URL:


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The sections that follow describe how to configure the Administration features of the Admin Console:

License Information

Retrieve license Information for a search appliance using the licenseInfo entry of the info feed.

Note: You can only view license information with this API, installing a new license is not supported.



Provides the identification value for the Google Search Appliance software. This value is also known as the serial number for the software.


Provides the unique license identification value.


Identifies when the search appliance software license will expire.


Indicates the maximum number of collections. Configure collections at the Crawl and Index > Collections page.


Indicates the maximum number of front ends. Configure front ends at the Serving > Front Ends page.


Maximum number of content items that you can index with this product. Content items include documents, images, and content from the feeds interface.

Retrieving License Information

To get the license information for a search appliance, send an authenticated GET request to the info feed URL:


The following example result is an entry that includes current license Information values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>licenseInfo</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’maxFrontends’>unlimited</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’licenseID’>
  <gsa:content name=’maxPages’>unlimited</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’maxCollections’>unlimited</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’licenseValidUntil’>March 7, 9009</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’applianceID’>S5-QJBPL6N3H8JJA</gsa:content>

Import and Export

Import or export a search appliance configuration using the importExport entry of the config feed.

Common query parameters for all requests:



The password of the exported configuration

The importExport entry properties:



The content of exported configuration


The password for generating configuration file

Exporting a Configuration

To export a search appliance configuration, send an authenticated GET request to the importExport entry of the config feed:


An importExport entry returns:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
  <entry xmlns=’’ 
  <app:edited xmlns:app=’’>
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>importExport</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’xmlData’>
  **********configuration content***********
Import a Configuration

To import a search appliance configuration, send an authenticated PUT request to the importExport entry of the config feed:


The following example shows an importExport entry with content:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
  <entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’password’>12345678</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’xmlData’>
  **********configuration content***********

Event Log

Retrieve the event log for a search appliance using the eventLog entry of the logs feed.



Query string for the logContent. The logContent contains many lines of logs. The query string applies to each line and only lines that contain the query string are returned.


The first logContent lines to retrieve. The default value is 1 line.


The maximum logContent lines to retrieve. The default value is 50 lines.

The following properties enable access to log content.



The starting line of the logContent.


The log content.


The ending line of the logContent.


Total lines of the logContent.

Retrieving the Event Log

Retrieve the event log information for a search appliance by sending an authenticated GET request to the eventLog feed URL (wrapped for readability):


The result is an entry that includes the current event log values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>eventLog</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’toLine’>11</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’logContent’>
    @ 2008/12/11 23:39:40: User logged in: [admin logged in from
    at 2008_12_11_23_39_40_PST]
    @ 2008/12/11 23:39:38: User logged in: [admin logged in from
    at 2008_12_11_23_39_38_PST]
  <gsa:content name=’fromLine’>10</gsa:content>
  <gsa:content name=’totalLines’>67</gsa:content>

System Status

Retrieve the system status for a search appliance using the systemStatus entry of the status feed.



Temperature of the CPU: 0 if okay, 1 if caution, 2 if critical.


Remaining disk capacity of the search appliance: 0 if okay, 1 if caution, 2 if critical.


Health of the internal system components: 0 if okay, 1 if caution, 2 if critical.


Overall health of the entire search appliance: 0 if okay, 1 if caution, 2 if critical.


Health of the raid array: 0 if okay, 1 if caution, 2 if critical.

Note: Health properties differ by versions of the search appliance.

Retrieving a System Status Entry

To get the current search appliance system status, send an authenticated GET request to the status feed URL:


The following result is an entry that includes current system status values for the search appliance:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <link rel=’self’ type=’application/atom+xml’
  <link rel=’edit’ type=’application/atom+xml’ 
  <gsa:content name=’entryID’>systemStatus</gsa:content> 
  <gsa:content name=’overallHealth’>0</gsa:content> 
  <gsa:content name=’diskCapacity’>0</gsa:content> 
  <gsa:content name=’raidHealth’>0</gsa:content> 
  <gsa:content name=’cpuTemperature’>0</gsa:content> 
  <gsa:content name=’machineHealth’>0</gsa:content>

Shut Down and Reboot

Shut down or reboot the search appliance.



Command sent to the search appliance. The command can be shutdown or reboot.


Indicates the search appliance status:

shuttingDown if you sent the shutdown command.
rebooting if you sent the reboot command.
running if the search appliance is operating normally.
Shutting Down or Rebooting a Search Appliance

To shut down or reboot a search appliance, send an authenticated PUT request to the following URL:


The following example request body shows the result:

<?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?>
<entry xmlns=’’ 
  <gsa:content name=’command’>reboot</gsa:content>