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Guide to Software Release 7.4
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Guide to Software Release 7.4

Guide to Software Release 7.4

This document describes features that are new or changed since release 7.2.

Google Search Appliance release 7.4 updates are now available for the GB100, GB500, GB-7007 and GB-9009. For a list of new, fixed, previous, and closed issues for software release 7.4, refer to the release notes. Both the software updates and the release notes are available at the Google for Work Support site, (login required).

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About “Beta” features

Features marked as "Beta" are provided as a preview. Beta features have constraints and are not recommended for production usage at this time. Google encourages feedback on these features.

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About “Deprecated” features

Features marked as “Deprecated” will be removed in a future release. In release 7.4, “Deprecated” features are still supported.

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New and changed features

The following sections describe new and changed features in software release 7.4:

New Groups page

Release 7.4 introduces the Content Sources > Groups page in the Admin Console. You can use this page to download the groups DB file from the search appliance, view information about groups on the search appliance, delete groups from a particular source, and delete all the contents in the groups DB file. For more information, click Help > Content Sources > Groups in the Admin Console.

4.0 connectors out of beta

At this time, the following 4.0 Connectors are fully supported features no longer in beta:

For more information, see the documentation for the Google Connectors.

Deprecated features

Beginning with release 7.4, the following features are deprecated for the Google Search Appliance:

Google Apps Integration

In GSA release 7.4, Google Apps integration is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.

On-Board file system crawling

In GSA release 7.4, on-board file system crawling (File System Gateway) is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release. If you have configured on-board file system crawling for your GSA, install and configure the Google Connector for File Systems 4.0.4 or later instead. For more information, see “Deploying the Connector for File Systems,” available from the Connector Documentation page.

On-Board database crawler

In GSA release 7.4, the on-board database crawler is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release. If you have configured on-board database crawling for your GSA, install and configure the Google Connector for Databases 4.0.4 or later instead. For more information, see “Deploying the Connector for Databases,” available from the Connector Documentation page.

On-Board Connector Manager and connectors

In GSA release 7.4, the on-board connector manager and connectors are deprecated. They will be removed in a future release. If you have configured on-board connectors for your GSA, install and configure an off-board Google Connector. For more information, see the documentation that is available from the Connector Documentation page.

Release 7.4 documentation

Google Search Appliance documentation is available from the GSA help center as both web pages in HTML format and PDF (Portable Document Format) files that you can download and print. Search appliance troubleshooting and deployment documentation, as well as copies of Admin Console help, are also available from the GSA help center. Please check them out!

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Supported browsers and third-party software

Google has certified the browsers and third-party products in the following table for use with software release 7.4.



Google Chrome (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available)

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 8 and above in standard mode

Mozilla Firefox current and previous major releases

The Admin Console supports Safari 5.1 only; search supports Safari 5.1 and later



MS SQL Server 2000, MS SQL Server 2005, and MS SQL Server 2008

MySQL 4.1.13 and 5.0.37. Note: Version 5.0 requires a JDBC upgrade.

Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15 Express

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition on Linux x86 and Windows platforms

JDBC enablers

DB2 Universal Database (UDB)

MySQL Connector/J 3.1.13

Microsoft SQL Server 2008, JDBC Driver 2.0

Sybase jConnect for JDBC 5.5, build 25137

Oracle Database 10g Release 2, driver

Network infrastructure

HTTP 1.1


Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers 3.0 and higher


SSO (Single sign‑on)

Computer Associates SiteMinder 6.0, Policy Server and Web Agent

Oracle Access Manager 7.0.4 (formerly Oblix)

Cams by Cafesoft, version 3.0

Web servers


Netscape Enterprise

Microsoft Internet Information Server


EXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations: XSLT 2.0

XML Path Language: XPath 1.0

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Documentation Addendum

This table in this section describes any changes to the Admin Console help center that do not appear in the translated versions of help pages in the product. To view these changes, visit the Admin Console help that is available from the Google Search Appliance help center. These changes will be incorporated into the next release of the Google Search Appliance software.


Administration > Network Settings

Separated the Perform Diagnostics option from the Update Settings option.

Administration > System Status

Added information about System Uptime.

Content Sources > Web Crawl > Host Load Schedule

Added Move Up and Move Down options to host load entries.

Index > Index Settings

Removed information about the decompounding feature.