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Google Search Appliance Documentation

Managing Search for Controlled-Access Content
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Crawl, Index, and Serve

Crawl, Index, and Serve

This chapter describes how a search appliance discovers content on your servers. It provides an overview of authentication and authorization methods used during crawl and index, and the methods available during serve. It also provides basic instructions for configuring a search appliance to crawl, index, and serve controlled-access content.

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Authentication, Authorization, and Controlled-Access Content

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, a system, or a service. Authorization is the process that determines whether an authenticated user, system, or service has permission to perform a task. The term “controlled-access content” represents any information that should not be displayed unless the user who requests the content is authenticated and has authorization to view the information.

To make controlled-access content discoverable through search, the search appliance mediates two kinds of access:

All controlled-access content that is available to the search appliance is indexed. For more details, see Crawl and Index for Controlled-Access Content. After the controlled-access content is indexed, the search appliance determines whether to display the content in response to each search request.

When a user issues a search request for content controlled by some authentication mechanisms, the search appliance impersonates the user. The search appliance verifies the user’s identity and determines whether the user has authorization to view controlled-access content. This check is performed before the search appliance displays any content in search results.

The Google Search Appliance provides centralized serve-time authentication with Universal Login (see Universal Login). With centralized serve-time authentication, a user who is searching for protected content is prompted for credentials once by the Universal Login Form for set of authentication mechanisms that share a username and password. For detailed information about Universal Login and authentication, see Authentication.

After the search appliance authenticates a user by establishing the user’s identity, the search appliance performs authorization checks to determine whether a user has access to the secure content that matches their search. For detailed information about authorization on the Google Search Appliance, see Authorization.

A Google Search Appliance provides additional methods for enabling authentication and authorization that do not require user impersonation. These are discussed in The SAML Authentication Service Provider Interface (SPI) and How to Exclude Controlled-Access Content Sources from Search.

This chapter provides information on how to configure the Google Search Appliance to crawl, index, and serve controlled-access content. For examples of configuring a search appliance, see Use Cases with Public and Secure Serve for Multiple Authentication Mechanisms.

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Crawl and Index for Controlled-Access Content

The Google Search Appliance indexes all content that can be crawled and indexed. This includes both controlled-access content and content that is available to anyone. Once you set up the search appliance with access credentials, it will maintain a copy of all crawled content in the index. The index allows the search appliance to determine relevance and display secure results when a user performs a search. Users only see the secure results that they are authorized to view.

How a Search Appliance Indexes Controlled-Access Content

A search appliance discovers and indexes controlled-access content in the same way that it indexes all other content: by performing a crawl through the content sources that are available to the web crawler, file system crawler, relational database crawler, and the XML content feed interface.

When you define content sources, you must perform additional steps in the Admin Console to give the search appliance access to controlled-access content:

You can specify a different set of access credentials for each URL pattern in the Admin Console. The means by which you provide these credentials is different for each kind of authentication, but the general process remains the same.

Configuring Crawl for Cookie-Based Access

The search appliance supports cookie-based access (single sign-on, forms). For sites that require the use of a cookie for authentication during crawl and index, you can define your content with a forms authentication rule. When you set up the search appliance to crawl cookie-based content, consider the following points:

Define a rule under Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Forms Authentication for controlled-access content sources that require the search appliance to obtain a session cookie from a login form. Content accessed through a forms authentication site can be secure or public during serve. For more information click Admin Console Help > Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Forms Authentication in the Admin Console.
If the URL pattern that matches the forms authentication rule includes a logout page, the search appliance attempts to crawl the logout page, which essentially results in cookie expiration. If the SSO system includes a logout page, then exclude the logout page by adding it to Do Not Follow Patterns on the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Start and Block URLs page. For more information click Admin Console Help > Content Sources > Web Crawl > Start and Block URLs in the Admin Console.

Google has certified the following Single Sign-On systems for use with software release 6.2 and later:

Configuring Crawl for HTTP Basic or NTLM HTTP

When you set up the search appliance to crawl controlled-access content with HTTP Basic or NTLM HTTP, consider the following points:

The Crawl and Index process for content that uses HTTP Basic and NTLM HTTP is controlled by parameters under Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Crawler Access. To learn more about setting up crawl for HTTP Basic and NTLM HTTP, click Admin Console Help > Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Crawler Access in the Admin Console.

Configuring Crawl for HTTP Basic/NTLM and Cookies

The search appliance supports crawling content sources protected by both HTTP Basic/NTLM and cookies. To enable crawl of a site that's protected by this mechanism, you need to configure both forms authentication crawling and crawler access.

To configure crawling for a site that is protected by Basic/NTLM and cookies:

On the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Start and Block URLs page, add the URL for the protected site to the Start URLs and Follow Patterns.
On the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Forms Authentication page, create a new forms authentication rule for the protected site:
For the Sample Forms Authentication protected URL, enter the URL of a content page in the protected site.
For the URL pattern for this rule, set it to the URL that you entered in the Follow Patterns or a more general pattern.
Click Create.

Normally when setting up Forms Auth, the Admin Console will render a login page for you to enter crawl-time credentials. But because there's no form associated with the URL, the Admin Console displays an error page generated by the content provider instead.
Ignore the error page and click Save and Close.

The Forms Authentication page appears and your new rule is listed with its pattern, action, and form fields.
Click Save.
On the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Crawler Access page, set up crawler access:
Click Save.

Configuring Crawl for the SAML Authentication and Authorization Service Provider Interface

Before using the Authentication and Authorization SPI, you must configure the appliance to crawl and index some secure controlled-access content. The SPIs are only used when a user queries for secure results. For content protected by the Authentication and Authorization Service Provider Interface, you can crawl secure content through HTTP Basic, NTLM HTTP, or with Forms Authentication:

For content that requires HTTP Basic Authentication or NTLM HTTP credentials, set up the crawl under Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Crawler Access and clear the Make Public checkbox for at least one URL pattern.
For content that requires a Forms Authentication rule to authenticate using a single sign-on (SSO) server, set up the crawl under Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Forms Authentication and clear the Make Public checkbox for at least one URL pattern.

Configuring Crawl and Serve for Kerberos

The search appliance supports Integrated Windows Authentication/Kerberos authentication for both crawling and serving controlled-access content. Before you can configure Kerberos crawling, the search appliance must be configured to use Kerberos authentication at serve time. For information about configuring Kerberos-based authentication for serve, see Kerberos-Based Authentication.

After Kerberos-based authentication for serve is configured, you can enable Kerberos crawling by using the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Crawler Access page. For more information about enabling Kerberos crawling, click Admin Console Help > Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Crawler Access in the Admin Console.

Providing Dynamic Serve-Time Security on a Per-URL Basis

The search appliance can accept a serve-time security setting for a document sent by a web server through the X-Gsa-Serve-Security HTTP header. This HTTP header can be useful for setting serve-time security for documents fed in by metadata-and-url feeds, as with Connectors V4.

The X-Gsa-Serve-Security HTTP header can only have one of the following values:

secure--To mark a document as protected, use X-Gsa-Serve-Security: secure
public--To mark the document as public, use X-Gsa-Serve-Security: public

The X-Gsa-Serve-Security HTTP header works along with other access-control mechanisms, including ACLs and x.509 certificates. For example, to ensure that a document is secure at serve time, you might provide:

x.509 certificate security at crawl time and an X-Gsa-Serve-Security HTTP header with a value of secure
A per-URL ACL and an X-Gsa-Serve-Security HTTP header with a value of secure

To ensure that a document is public at serve time, you might provide an HTTP header with a value of public with no ACLs or crawl-time security.

Configuring Crawl and Serve Over HTTPS

The search appliance uses digital certificates when communicating with web browsers and servers over HTTPS. The search appliance also supports the use of digital certificates to perform X.509 certificate authentication to verify a user’s identity before serving secure results, as described in Client Certificate-Based Authentication.

To use HTTPS for all requests for controlled-access content, configure the search appliance to enable certificate use. The digital certificate for the search appliance must be recognized by other servers, and the certificate authorities for all HTTPS-secured sites must be valid (that is, must not be out of date and must be for the designated server name).

By default, the search appliance uses its own store of preloaded certificate authorities. These default certificate authorities are used by most browsers. By using these default certificate authorities, the search appliance trusts the same servers that browsers trust. As a search appliance administrator, you have the following options:

By using the options in the Default Certificate Authorities area of the Administration > Certificate Authorities page, you can disable or re-enable default certificate authorities. For information about using certificate authorities, click Admin Console Help > Administration > Certificate Authorities.

This section provides a general overview of how to install a digital certificate for use by the search appliance. For more detailed instructions, including an explanation of how to request a digital certificate from a certification authority and decrypt an encrypted private key, click Admin Console Help > Administration > SSL Settings in the Admin Console.

Note: The SSL Settings page can only install non-encrypted RSA keys in .pem (privacy enhanced mail) format. If the private key is encrypted or in PKCS#12 format (see, refer to the instructions in the Admin Console Help.

To configure the search appliance to enable crawl and serve over HTTPS:

Choose Administration > SSL Settings.
On the SSL Settings page, scroll down to Install an SSL Certificate.
Under SSL Certificate, enter the file name of the certificate or click the Browse button to locate it. If you are using an intermediate certificate, enter the name of the file that includes both the intermediate certificate and the host certificate.
Under SSL Private Key, enter the file name of the unencrypted private key or click the Browse button to locate it. If the SSL Certificate contains an intermediate certificate, use the private key that corresponds to the host certificate.
Click the View Certificate Information button.
Installing the certificate will restart the Admin Console and the front end. If you are ready to install, click the Install SSL Certificate button.

When the page refreshes, the following message appears at the top:
SSL certificate installed. The appliance console needs to be restarted, please log in again.
On the Admin Console login page, click Log in, and log in using the admin username and password.
Choose Administration > SSL Settings. Your new certificate information is listed under Current SSL Certificate Information.

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Secure Content and Public Content

Once controlled-access content is present in the index, the search appliance labels it as “secure” or “public”:

It’s important to understand that when controlled-access content is labeled as “public” in the index, it is shown in all users’ search results. Because public search results are served from the index without checking for authorization, users can discover all public content that the search appliance has access to, regardless of whether they have authorization to view that content.

A user who is searching for protected content is prompted for her credentials once for each set of authentication mechanisms that share a username and password. The user enters her credentials on the Universal Login Form.

How a Search Appliance Labels Controlled-Access Content Sources as Public or Secure

When crawling and indexing controlled-access content over HTTP or HTTPS, the search appliance assigns public or secure status based on the type of crawl, and the Make Public checkbox in the Admin Console. If the Make Public checkbox is selected on the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Forms Authentication page, content is labeled as public. When the checkbox is cleared, content is labeled as secure.

Note that by selecting Make Public, all documents matching the URL pattern become public, even if ACLs are associated with the documents or the authmethod attribute in the feed record is set to a secure value.

The search appliance assigns status from these pages:

Web and content feeds: the authmethod attribute for the record specifies whether content is treated as public or secure.
To make feed content public, set the authmethod value to none. This is the default for content provided by feeds.
To make feed content secure, set the authmethod value to ntlm, httpbasic, or httpsso.
Connectors: If the connector supports authentication and authorization, and the Make Public checkbox is cleared, content from that connector is labeled as secure. In all other cases, content from a connector is labeled as public. To determine whether a connector instance supports authentication and authorization, look up Security Support in the Configuration guide for your connector.


In GSA release 7.4, the on-board connector manager and connectors are deprecated. They will be removed in a future release. If you have configured on-board connectors for your GSA, install and configure an off-board Google Connector. For more information, see the documentation that is available from the Connector Documentation page..

How a Search Appliance Determines What to Display in Public Search Results

The front end configuration for a search results page controls how much information users see for each item in the search results. When you make controlled-access content available for public search, open the Page Layout Helper or the XSLT Stylesheet Editor for each front end and review the stylesheet configuration to ensure that you are not revealing more information than the user needs.

In the Page Layout Helper, these parameters under Search Results control which information is displayed:

When Snippet is selected, the <S> element is displayed in the search results. Clear the Snippet check box to remove snippets from the search results.
When Page Size is selected, the <C> element’s page size SZ value is displayed in the search results. Clear the Page Size check box to remove information about the document’s size from the search results.
When Modified Date is selected, the <CACHE_LAST_MODIFIED> element is included in the XML results. Clear the Modified Date check box to remove information about the document’s freshness from the search results.
When Cache Link is selected, the <C> element is included in the XML results. Clear the Cache Link check box to remove the link to the cached document from the search results.
The Result Page navigation at the bottom of the page can indicate how many results are available. To prevent users from using this information to deduce how large your index is, choose the third option, which excludes both the “Gooooogle” navigation and the numbered references to search results pages.

In the XSLT Stylesheet Editor, these XSL variables control which information is displayed:

show_res_snippet specifies whether to display a snippet for each result. Set <xsl:variable name="show_res_snippet">0</xsl:variable> to remove snippets from the search results.
show_meta_tags specifies whether to display metadata for each result. Set <xsl:variable name="show_meta_tags">0</xsl:variable> to remove the document’s metadata from the search results.
show_res_size specifies whether to display the page size for each result. Set <xsl:variable name="show_res_size">0</xsl:variable> to remove information about the document’s size from the search results.
show_res_date specifies whether to display the last-modified date for each result. Set <xsl:variable name="show_res_date">0</xsl:variable> to remove information about the document’s freshness from the search results.
show_res_cache specifies whether to display the cache link for each result. Set <xsl:variable name="show_res_cache">0</xsl:variable> to remove the link to the cached document from the search results.
choose_bottom_navigation specifies which navigation option to use at the bottom of the results page. Set <xsl:variable name="choose_bottom_navigation">simple</xsl:variable> to exclude both the "Gooooogle" navigation and the numbered references to search results pages.

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Serve-time authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user who has issued a search request for controlled-access content. The Google Search Appliance uses these methods to establish the user’s identity:

This section describes how a search appliance performs authentication, and how to configure authentication for the supported mechanisms. For information about how the search appliance determines whether an authenticated user, system, or service has access to secure content, see Authorization.

Universal Login

With Universal Login, a user who is searching for protected content is prompted for credentials once by the Universal Login Form for set of authentication mechanisms that share a username and password. The user is granted (or denied) access to the resources based on the credentials and the search appliance returns the appropriate search results. The Google Search Appliance supports Universal Login for the following authentication mechanisms:

Cookie-Based Authentication (single sign-on, forms)
HTTP-Based Authentication (HTTP Basic, NTLM)

The Google Search Appliance also supports authentication without Universal Login using LDAP (see Integrating the Search Appliance with an LDAP Server).

The following diagram presents an overview of what happens when a user searches for protected content.

The numbers in the diagram refer to the following steps in the process:

Credential Groups

A credential group represents the set of authentication mechanisms that share a username and password. Credential groups enable the search appliance to gather user credentials by using the Universal Login Form.

For example, suppose the ABC company has the following basic authentication-based and forms authentication-based Single Sign-On (SSO) systems: uses forms authentication. This domain hosts business reports that are available for purchase. uses forms authentication. This domain hosts design documents for use by internal employees. uses HTTP Basic authentication. This domain contains information about internal company events uses forms authentication. This domain contains announcements for employees. uses forms authentication. This domain provides phone and office location information about employees.

The domain uses one, unique set of credentials (user name and password). All the other domains share a different single set of credentials.

Because ABC company’s domains are protected by two sets of credentials, their search appliance administrator can group the domains into two credential groups, “reports” and “Default,” as illustrated in the following diagram.

The search appliance prompts only for a single username/password for each credential group, and then attempts to verify it against the systems in the credential group.

A credential group can have any number of authentication mechanisms (also known as “credential group elements”). The search appliance supports any number of credential groups.

Currently, you can only add one domain protected by HTTP Basic authentication to the credential groups that you configure on a Google Search Appliance.

For information about setting up credential groups, see Working with Credential Groups.

Primary Verified Identity

Although the search appliance can track multiple verified user identities at once, it only currently supports one verified identity (primary verified identity) from any source, for example, when working with policy Access Control Lists (ACLs). The following list contains a list of mechanisms that can provide the primary verified identity, in order of precedence:

In other words, a verified identity from x.509 client certificates overrides all other mechanisms, including a verified identity from the SAML, and so on.

Universal Login Form

After credential groups are configured, whenever a user performs a secure search, and the user is not already authenticated, the Google Search Appliance presents the Universal Login Form, shown in the following figure. The Universal Login Form is the primary way the search appliance gathers user credentials (usernames and passwords). The user’s credentials are applied to all the systems in the credential groups for which the user supplies a username and password.

The Universal Login Form can contain multiple sets of user name and password fields—one set for each credential group.

You can use the default Universal Login Form or create one that is specific to your organization. For more information, see Customizing the Universal Login Form.

Credential Group Satisfaction

The following process gives an overview of how the Universal Login Form determines if a user’s credentials satisfy configured credential groups:

The Universal Login Form checks the existing cookies that the user already has to see whether its configured credential groups are already satisfied. The authentication mechanism can return one of three answers: verified, rejected, or indeterminate (which usually means an error occurred and a definitive answer couldn’t be found). If any mechanism answers “rejected,” the credential group is not satisfied.
If all credential groups are satisfied, the Universal Login Form is skipped and appropriate results are displayed.
The Universal Login Form presents a challenge for each configured-but-unsatisfied credential group.
The Universal Login Form attempts to verify each provided credential, and updates which credential groups are satisfied.
If any credential groups remain unsatisfied, the Universal Login Form is presented again (with only the unsatisfied credential group’s enabled), up to three times.

Options that you, as the search appliance administrator, choose when configuring a credential group determine whether the user must enter credentials on the Universal Login Form to view search results. For more information about this topic, see Creating Credential Groups.

Working with Credential Groups

Set up credential groups by performing the following tasks in the Google Search Appliance Admin Console:

It is important to configure a credential group once you create it. If there is an unconfigured credential group, the search appliance does not serve secure results. To avoid this issue, delete any unconfigured credential groups.

About the Default Credential Group

The Google Search Appliance provides a built-in credential group named Default. You can configure the Default credential group, as described in Creating Credential Groups and Configuring Credential Groups. If you plan on using credential groups and policy ACLs, configure the Default credential group but do not rename it. For more information, see Using Credential Groups with Policy ACLs.

Creating Credential Groups

Create a new credential group by using the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login page in the search appliance Admin Console. For information about creating and maintaining credential groups, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login.

For each credential group that you create, you can choose two options:

The following sections describe these options.

Require a User-Name Option

The Require a user-name for this credential group? option ensures that the system has a username for an authenticated user. This option is important when your configuration uses cookie-based authentication in combination with an authorization mechanism that requires user-names, such as policy ACLs, SAML, and connectors.

If a user presents pre-existing cookies that are sufficient for access to configured sample URLs, but no cookie cracker is in use (see Using Cookie Cracking), the search appliance does not know the user’s name. In this case, if the box is checked, the credential group is not pre-satisfied, even if the sample URL check succeeds, and a Universal Login Form is presented to the user. If a user-name is available, from a different authentication mechanism, a previous Universal Login Form, or a cookie cracker, then the group can be pre-satisfied, and if all credential groups are pre-satisfied, then the Universal Login Form is skipped altogether.

Group is Optional? Option

The Group is optional? option controls the behavior of the Universal Login Form.

If this option is checked, the user is not required to type a username and password in the Universal Login Form for this credential group. The user can submit the Universal Login Form and view search results. However, if the user does not login, then search results do not include secure results protected by that credential group.

If this option is not checked, the user is required to type a username and password in the Universal Login Form. The user cannot view any search results until he has supplied his username and password. He will keep being sent back to the Universal Login Form until he provides the correct credentials.

Adding a Credential Group

To create a new credential group:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login.
In the Credential Group Name box, type a name for the new credential group.
(Optional) Type the name that you want to appear on the Universal Login form in the Credential Group Display Name box. There are no character or format restrictions on the Credential Group Display Name.
Select Require a user-name for this credential group? and Group is optional?, as described in the preceding sections.
Click Save.

The new credential group’s name appears in the list of credential groups.

Configuring Credential Groups

After you create a new credential group, you can configure it by adding credential group rules on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms page. This page provides tabs for a adding rules for the following types of authentication mechanisms:

Cookie-Based Authentication

During serve, secure content from sites that were crawled through a Forms Authentication rule are handled by cookie-based authentication.

Configuring a Credential Group for Cookie-Based Authentication

Configure a credential group rule for cookie-based authentication by supplying a URL pattern and sample URL on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Cookie page in the Admin Console. Optionally, you can also supply a redirect URL.

Sample URL

Supply a sample URL, which is any page in the protected site that all authenticated users can view. The sample URL is used to detect whether a user has correct credentials for a particular authentication method.

Each sample URL is checked before the Universal Login Form is presented, to determine if the user’s initial set of cookies can “pre-satisfy” any or all credential groups. In additional, if any cookie-based authentication methods are defined, the search appliance uses credentials gathered in the Universal Login Form to gather cookies and then uses those cookies to retrieve the sample URL page. If the retrieval is successful, the credentials are verified as correct. If a user has the correct cookies, content is presented.

If a user does not have the correct cookies, the sample URLs page should redirect to the forms-based login system. To enable the sample URL to send a redirect response that leads to a login form, check When sample URL fails, expect the sample page to redirect to a form, and log in to that form on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Cookie page.

For the URL pattern, an example of a sample URL is

Redirect URL

If you supply a redirect URL, the authentication mechanism changes significantly. In non-redirect mode, the search appliance transfers a username / password from the Universal Login Form to a login form found when attempting to retrieve the sample URL. With a redirect URL, the search appliance will automatically redirect to that URL. The service at that URL can then authenticate the user in whatever way it wishes. Upon completion of that authentication, the service at the redirect URL should grant a cookie to the user which provides access to secure content (and to the sample URL, if provided), and redirect the user back to the search appliance.

If a sample URL is provided, it allows the search appliance to skip the redirect if the user already has cookies that provide access to the sample URL. A sample URL also allows verification of the user cookies upon return from the sample URL service.

Possible advantages of redirect URL authentication:

Disadvantages of redirect URL authentication:

On balance, Google does not recommend using a redirect URL as a preferred method of authentication.

Adding a Credential Group Rule for Cookie-Based Authentication

To add a credential group rule for cookie-based authentication:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Cookie.
Optionally, click When sample URL check fails, expect the sample page to redirect to a form and log in to that form.
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-sensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
Optionally, type a Return URL Parameter.
Click Save.

For more information about how to configure a credential group for cookie-based authentication, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Cookie.

Multiple Cookie Domains

The Google Search Appliance can work with Cookie Provider of Computer Associates SiteMinder Web Access Manager in supporting multiple cookie domains.

For example, suppose your organization has the following two web servers hosted in different DNS domains:

Authentication and authorization for web server A and web server B are controlled by disparate SiteMinder SSO servers. The Google Search Appliance is deployed in domain

When a user performs a search against the Google Search Appliance, she provides her username and password to get access to the protected content. After the user is authenticated, SiteMinder Web Access Manager issues a set of session cookies that includes one cookie for the domain and another cookie for the domain. In other words, the user logs in once, to, and through SiteMinder cross-domain single sign-on, she gains access to both and

The Google Search Appliance recognizes these correlated cookie domains and keeps the cookies synchronized.

Cookie-Based Authentication Scenarios

Different organizations set up cookie-based authentication rules for the Google Search Appliance’s Universal Login in a variety of different ways. The selections that you, as a search appliance administrator, make by using the Admin Console depend on your system’s capabilities and your organization’s requirements. For examples of setting up cookie-based authentication, see Cookie-Based Authentication Scenarios.

HTTP-Based Authentication

During serve, secure content from sites that were crawled by using user accounts and passwords entered on the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Secure Crawl > Crawler Access page are handled by HTTP-based authentication.

Configuring a Credential Group for HTTP Basic or NTLM

Configure a credential group for HTTP-based authentication or NTLM by supplying a URL pattern and sample URL on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > HTTP page in the Admin Console. To configure an authentication domain that is protected by NTLM instead of HTTP Basic, click the NTLM check box.

Sample URL

Supply a sample URL, which is any page in the protected site that all authenticated users can view. The sample URL is used to detect whether a user has correct credentials for a particular authentication method.

Each sample URL is checked before the Universal Login Form is presented, to determine if the user’s initial set of cookies can “pre-satisfy” any or all credential groups. In additional, if any SSO Forms methods are defined, the search appliance uses credentials gathered in the Universal Login Form to gather cookies and then uses those cookies to retrieve the sample URL page. If the retrieval is successful, the credentials are verified as correct.

For the URL pattern, an example of a sample URL is

You can set up silent authentication with a sample URL page when the Require a user-name for this credential group? option is selected on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login page by using cookie cracking. With silent authentication, users are authenticated without being directed to a login page. For information about this topic, see Using Cookie Cracking.

Adding a Credential Group Rule for HTTP Basic

To add a credential group rule for HTTP Basic authentication:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > HTTP.
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-sensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
Click Save.

Adding a Credential Group Rule for NTLM

To add a credential group rule for NTLM authentication:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > HTTP.
Click the NTLM check box.
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-sensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
Click Save.

For more information about how to configure a credential group for HTTP-based authentication or NTLM, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > HTTP.

Client Certificate-Based Authentication

The search appliance can check a user’s SSL certificate to verify that it was issued by a trusted certificate authority before serving secure results. This section provides a general overview of how to configure a search appliance to require X.509 Certificate Authentication from users who submit search queries.

Configure a search appliance for client certificate-based user authentication by performing the following tasks:

Enabling User Authentication by X.509 Certificate

To enable user authentication by X.509 certificate, the search appliance must have a digital certificate that permits crawl and serve over HTTPS. Also, client certificate authentication cannot be used for the head requestor, therefore configure policy ACLs (see Policy Access Control Lists) or the SAML authorization SPI (see How to Exclude Controlled-Access Content Sources from Search). The preloaded certificate authorities are enabled by default. You can disable them or re-enable them.

To configure the search appliance to require X.509 Certificate Authentication for search requests from users:

Choose Administration > SSL Settings. Configure the search appliance to permit crawl and serve over HTTPS by installing an SSL certificate. For details, see Configuring Crawl and Serve Over HTTPS.
On the Administration > SSL Settings page, check the settings for Force secure connections when serving?
If No is selected, you must change it to one of the following options: Use HTTPS when serving secure results, but not when serving public results or Use HTTPS when serving both public and secure results.
Choose Administration > Certificate Authorities. Under Add more Certificate Authorities, enter the .pem file that contains your root CA certificate. The search appliance will trust certificates issued by this root certificate.
Choose Administration > Certificate Authorities. Under Add Certificate Revocation List, enter the file that contains the current certificate revocation list (CRL). The search appliance will NOT trust certificates that appear in this list. The CRL prevents a user with a revoked certificate from accessing secure content.
Optionally, to disable default certificate authorities, clear the Enable default Certificate Authorities checkbox under Default Certificate Authorities.
Click Save.
Configuring a Credential Group for Client Certificate-Based Authentication

To add a credential group rule for client certificate-based authentication to a credential group:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Client Certificate.
Click Enable client certificate authentication support.
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-sensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
Click Save.

Kerberos-Based Authentication

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that enables client and server applications to perform mutual authentication for the duration of a user’s login session. The search appliance can use Kerberos authentication by issuing a head request to confirm a user’s right to view controlled-access documents. The search appliance only performs this check during secure serve for content on HTTP servers.

Kerberos supports the following encryption methods:

To ensure that a search appliance uses Kerberos during serving, content sources must be enabled for Kerberos. For more information on ensuring that Kerberos is configured correctly on Windows content sources, see the wiki page (the information is provided as a reference, and is not officially supported by Google).

The Kerberos implementation supports:

Take note that the search appliance supports serving of SMB content via Kerberos only. It does not support crawling of SMB content via Kerberos.

With cross-domain access, the KDC associated with the search appliance can communicate with other KDCs to authenticate and authorize users from other domains. The secure content does not have to be in the same domain as the search appliance, but the two domains must have transitive trust enabled between them. For information about transitive trusts, see Microsoft documentation. In a Windows cross-domain configuration, the search appliance requires the DNS server to advertise KDCs for both domains by way of DNS SRV responses.

The Kerberos implementation does not support:

When the search appliance is configured to use IWA / Kerberos authentication, the search appliance checks the user’s session ticket against a KDC before displaying secure search results to a user. For Windows servers, the domain controller acts as the KDC for Kerberos authentication.

To configure the search appliance to use IWA / Kerberos authentication:

Enroll the search appliance in the domain managed by your KDC (see Enrolling the Search Appliance in the KDC Domain and Creating a Keytab File). The KDC is typically a Microsoft Windows Server acting as a domain controller. As part of this step, you must also request and register a Kerberos key table, called a keytab file.

After you complete these steps, recrawl the affected content sources. The search appliance is then able to check a user’s authentication status without requiring an additional login.

A verified identity from Kerberos authentication can be used for authorization. The following authorization mechanism can use the verified identity from Kerberos authentication:

If your content sources support these authorization mechanisms, then the content sources are not required to support Kerberos, and delegation is not required.

Enrolling the Search Appliance in the KDC Domain and Creating a Keytab File

The process for creating a user for your Key Distribution Center depends on the type of domain controller that you are using. This guide provides instructions for installing the search appliance on a Windows domain (RC4 and DES encryption).

Instructions for Microsoft Windows 2003, 2008, XP, and 7 (All Encryption types)

In the following instructions, you configure the search appliance as a user in Active Directory, then create a keytab file. The search appliance password in Active Directory must match the password in the keytab file.

To configure Windows:

Note: The domain controller must have the latest Windows software version to ensure all supported encryption types are included.

Open the properties for the user. Use the Account tab for the search appliance account to modify and apply the following properties:
If the account does not use DES, clear the checkbox labeled Use DES encryption types for this account.
ktpass -princ HTTP/FQDN_of_the_searchappliance@DOMAIN_NAME 
-mapuser DOMAIN_NAME\searchappliance_username
-pass searchappliance_password -out filename.keytab -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -crypto ALL
where FQDN=fully qualified domain name.

Note: The search appliance username, password, and domain must be consistent with the user account that you created in step 2. With the exception of the mapuser switch, domain names must be fully qualified. Ensure that when you issue the ktpass command, HTTP is in upper-case letters and the string FQDN_of_the_search_appliance is in lower-case letters, as shown in the examples in this section. The FQDN_of_the_search_appliance must be the DNS A-name for the search appliance, not the CNAME. The ptype parameter specifies the principal type. The value must be KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL (general ptype).

ktpass -princ HTTP/ 
-mapuser FOODOMAIN\gsa_account -pass 123pass -out myfilename.keytab
-ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -crypto ALL
At the command prompt, enter the following command, where demo.keytab is the keytab name. This lists encryption types so you can verify that all required types are included:
klist -ke demo.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  3 HTTP/ (DES cbc mode with CRC-32)
  3 HTTP/ (DES cbc mode with RSA-MD5)
  3 HTTP/ (ArcFour with HMAC/md5)
  3 HTTP/ (AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC)
  3 HTTP/ (AES-128 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC)
If Kerberos will be used for authorization, open the search appliance user account properties again. On the Delegation tab of User properties, select Trust this user for delegation to any service.
On the Account tab of User properties, verify that the user logon name field was populated with the HTTP/ prefix, for example, HTTP/FQDN_of_the_search_appliance.
Configuring a Credential Group for Kerberos-Based Authentication

To configure Kerberos-based authentication in the Admin Console:

Choose Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Kerberos.
Under Specify a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)/Windows Domain Controller (DC), type the KDC host domain name in the Kerberos KDC Hostname box.
Click the Save Kerberos KDC Hostname button.
Under Import a Kerberos Service Key Table (keytab) File, type the path name for the keytab file in the Keytab File Name box or click Browse to navigate to the file.
Click the Import Kerberos Keytab File button.
Click the Enable Kerberos support checkbox.
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-sensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
If the KDC is using single-DES encryption, click Allow Weak Crypto.

If you do not check this box and you try to enable Kerberos-based authentication with a KDC using single-DES encryption, an error message appears.
Click Save.

For more information about how to configure Kerberos based authentication, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Kerberos.

Configuring Web Browsers for Kerberos Authentication

Users who query the search appliance must have their web browsers configured to use Kerberos authentication.

Safari is not a supported browser because it does not forward Kerberos tickets. You can find more information about this issue at

Configuring Internet Explorer

To configure Internet Explorer:

Start Internet Explorer and select Tools > Internet Options.
The search appliance URL must be defined in the Local Intranet zone or the Trusted Sites zone. If the search appliance is already part of the Trusted or Intranet zones, you can skip this step.
On the Security tab, select the Local Intranet web zone, and click the Sites... button.
In the Local intranet dialog, click the Advanced button.
Under Add this Web site to the zone, enter the search appliance’s URL and click Add.
Leave the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone setting as it is. This option controls whether communication with the search appliance requires SSL certificates. For more on certificate use, see Configuring Crawl and Serve Over HTTPS.
Click the OK button, then click OK again to save this change and return to Internet Options.
With Local Intranet zone selected, click the Custom level ... button and verify that Automatic logon only in Intranet zone is checked.

If you cannot include the search appliance in the Local Intranet zone, add it to the Trusted Sites zone and select Automatic logon with current user and password.
Choose the Advanced tab.
Under Security, select the checkbox labeled Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart). This sets the browser to use Kerberos authentication.
Click OK and restart Internet Explorer.

Configuring Firefox/Mozilla

To configure Firefox/Mozilla:

Double-click network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris. Modify this parameter to include the search appliance’s URL as a trusted URI.
Double-click network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris. Modify this parameter to include the search appliance’s URL as a delegation URI.

Note: For more on Mozilla and integrated authentication, see

Configuring Google Chrome

If Google Chrome is running on Windows and the GSA is in the local Intranet zone, configuration is not required for Kerberos. Select Local Intranet zone, click the Custom level... button and verify that Automatic logon only in Intranet zone is checked.

To configure Google Chrome in a non-Windows environment:

Note: For more information on Chrome command line switches, see: For more information on Authentication in Chrome, see:

More Kerberos Information

For more information about the Google Search Appliance and Kerberos, see the following documents:

The SAML Authentication Service Provider Interface (SPI)

The Authentication and Authorization Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs) enable a search appliance to communicate with an existing access control infrastructure using standard SAML messages.

This section describes the Authentication SPI. For information about the Authorization SPI, see How to Exclude Controlled-Access Content Sources from Search. For more detailed information about how the Authentication and Authorization SPIs work, see the Authentication/Authorization for Enterprise SPI Guide.

When implemented, the Authentication SPI allows search users to authenticate to the search appliance. It is designed to allow customers to integrate the search appliance into an existing access control infrastructure. Instead of authenticating search users itself, the search appliance redirects the user to an Identity Provider (IP), a customer-implemented server, where the actual authentication takes place. The IP then redirects the user back to the search appliance, while passing information that includes the identity of the search user.

Before using the Authentication and Authorization SPI, you must configure the appliance to crawl and index some secure controlled-access content. For more information, see Configuring Crawl for the SAML Authentication and Authorization Service Provider Interface. The SPIs are only used when a user queries for secure results.

Configuring a Credential Group for SAML Authentication

When the Google Search Appliance is configured with a credential group that includes a SAML authentication domain, a user performing a secure search is challenged by the SAML Identity Provider. The user provides her credentials on the Identity Provider login page.

You can add a rule for SAML authentication to a credential group by specifying the Entity ID and login URL of the Identity Provider on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > SAML page in the Admin Console. Using this page, you can also specify the binding in which the search appliance communicates with the SAML server:

You must specify either the Public Key of IDP or an Artifact Resolver URL in a credential group rule for SAML, but do not specify both.

When creating credential groups for the authentication mechanism, ensure that Requires a User-Name is selected. For more information, see Require a User-Name Option.

Artifact Resolver URL

The artifact resolver URL is the URL for the server that converts a returned artifact into a response message. If you provide the Artifact Resolver URL, the SAML server returns its responses using HTTP Artifact binding. If you specify an Artifact Resolver URL, do not specify an Identity Provider public key.

Public Key of IDP

The Identity Provider public key is used for signing an assertion. If you specify a public key, the search appliance tries to verify the digital signature of the assertion and the SAML server returns its responses using HTTP POST binding. If you specify an Identity Provider public key, do not specify an Artifact Resolver URL.

Adding a Credential Group Rule for SAML Authentication

If there are additional credential groups besides the one with the SAML entry, the search appliance challenges the user with the Universal Login Form. After the user provides her credentials on the Universal Login Form, the search appliance combines the verified identities from SAML and the Universal Login Form. The user is granted access to the resources based on the combined credentials.

To add a credential group rule for SAML authentication to a credential group:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > SAML
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-sensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
Click Save.

For more information about how to add a rule for SAML authentication to a credential group, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > SAML.


You can configure an authentication domain for a connector instance with support for the authentication Service Provider Interface (SPI).

Configuring a Credential Group for a Connector

To add a credential group rule for a connector instance:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Connectors.
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-sensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
Click Save.

For more information about how to configure an authentication domain for a registered connector instance, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > Connectors.

For comprehensive information about connectors, see documentation for the Google Search Appliance connectors (


For a search appliance to use LDAP for user authentication at serve time, you must perform the following tasks:

Integrating the Search Appliance with an LDAP Server

If you are not using Kerberos authentication, and want to enable the search appliance to validate a user’s login name and password by using a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, enable Directory Integration. This section provides a general overview of how to enable the search appliance to authenticate credentials against one or more LDAP servers. When a user connects to the Google Search Appliance and requests a search for secure results, the search appliance asks for credentials from the user. These credentials are then forwarded to an LDAP server for validation.

Note: The search appliance does not support using LDAP and Kerberos authentication at the same time; you must choose one method for all servers on your domain.

To specify LDAP settings for the search appliance:

Choose Administration > LDAP Setup.
Click Create new LDAP Server. The LDAP setup options appear.
In the LDAP Directory Server Address section, enter the following information:
Host—LDAP directory server’s host name, which is a fully-qualified domain name or an IPv4 address.
Port number (optional)—the port number where the LDAP server listens for requests.
Distinguished Name (DN)—A login on the LDAP server to which the search appliance connects to send authentication requests. If the LDAP server supports anonymous binds (authentication requests), you do not need to specify a DN.
Password (optional)—The password for the DN.
(Optional) Click the Go to advanced settings page even if detection fails checkbox.
Click Continue.
The search appliance attempts to auto-detect the settings of the LDAP Search Base, the User Search Filter, the Group Search Filter, and if SSL Support exists and displays what it has detected. The advanced settings appear. If you have any version of Active Directory, the resolve nested groups operator ( :1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:) is automatically populated in Group Search Filter. Nested group lookup is not supported for Windows 2003 SP1 or older. To use group lookup for Active Directory running on Windows 2003 SP1 or older, you must remove the resolve nested groups operator.
Superuser Group—Any member of this group is considered an Admin Console administrator.
Manager Group—Any member of this group is considered an Admin Console manager.
Test the LDAP server settings for a potential search user by entering the following information in the LDAP Search User Authentication Test box and clicking Test LDAP Settings:
Username—The user name that enables the search appliance to connect to the LDAP server (relative to the search base)
Password—The password for the user name that enables the search appliance to connect to the LDAP server
uid - (user ID) 
ou - (organizational unit) 
dc - (company name) 
If the LDAP Authentication Test settings do not successfully authenticate the user, click Cancel, revisit and change the information you entered, and test again.
Test the LDAP server settings for administrator authentication by entering the following information in the LDAP Administrator Authentication Test box and clicking Test LDAP Settings:
Username—The administrator user name that enables the search appliance to connect to the LDAP server. (Relative to the search base.) To authenticate, the administrator must be a member of the LDAP Manager Group.
Password—The password for the administrator user name.
uid - (user ID) 
ou - (organizational unit) 
dc - (company name) 
If the LDAP Authentication Test settings do not successfully authenticate the administrator, click Cancel, revisit and change the information you entered, and test again.
Open a search page in a browser or click Test Center, click public and secure content, and perform a search against the search appliance.
Enabling LDAP Authentication for a Search Appliance

To enable LDAP on a search appliance, click the Enable Authentication checkbox on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > LDAP page. For more information, see Configuring a Credential Group for LDAP.

Enabling Group Lookup

You can enable a search appliance to automatically look up group information for a user during authentication, provided that the search appliance has a verified identity for the user.

To look up group information for a user, the search appliance uses the combination of group information from all its available sources. For example, if the search appliance has group information in the form of policy ACLs, it looks up group information for the user in the policy ACLs.

Group lookup works only if LDAP is correctly configured for the search appliance. However, group lookup works even if LDAP is not enabled for the search appliance.

Nested group lookup is supported for Windows 2003 SP2 and later only. To use group lookup for Active Directory running on Windows 2003 SP1 or older, you must remove the resolve nested groups operator ( :1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:) after it has been populated in Group Search Filter.

To enable group lookup, click the Enable group lookup checkbox on the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > LDAP page. For more information, see Configuring a Credential Group for LDAP.

Configuring a Credential Group for LDAP

To add a credential group rule, enable LDAP and automatic lookup of group information:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Auth Mechanisms > LDAP.
In the Mechanism Name box, type a unique name for the authentication mechanism. A mechanism name must not be the same as another mechanism name or credential group name. Mechanism names are case-insensitive and can be up to 200 characters long, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. A name cannot begin with a hyphen.
Click the Enable Authentication checkbox.
Click the Enable group lookup checkbox.
Click Save.
Protecting the User’s Credentials for Serve with HTTP Basic and NTLM HTTP

When a user performs a query for secure content, the search appliance responds with the same protocol. Because the responses for serve over HTTP Basic and NTLM HTTP include authorization headers, a malicious user could intercept the message and extract the header. To protect the user’s credentials against such an attack, you can force the use of HTTPS during serve, even when the search request is sent over HTTP.

To specify whether the search appliance serves all content over HTTPS:

Choose Administration > SSL Settings. Scroll down to Force secure connections when serving?.
To force the search appliance to use HTTPS for secure content only, choose Use HTTPS when serving secure results, but not when serving public results.
To force the search appliance to use HTTPS for all content, choose Use HTTPS when serving both public and secure results. This option is the most secure.
Click Save.

Using Silent Authentication

With silent authentication, users are authenticated without being directed to a login page. The following table lists methods that provide silent authentication. Some methods produce a primary verified identity (see Primary Verified Identity). Because a primary verified identity is required for policy ACLs (see Policy Access Control Lists), these methods can be used with them. The methods that do not produce a primary verified identity cannot be used with policy ACLs, SAML, or connectors.



If Require a user-name? (see Require a User-Name Option) is not checked, inbound cookie forwarding provides silent authentication without a primary verified identity; it cannot be used with policy ACLs, SAML, or connectors.

If Require a user-name? (see Require a User-Name Option) is checked, then silent authentication can only be achieved with cookie cracking (see Using Cookie Cracking).


Authentication is always silent, produces a verified identity, group data can only from the internal GData-based database.


Can be silent, depending on how the SAML server is configured, produces a primary verified identity, can return group data.

x.509 https client certificate

Authentication is always silent, always produces a primary verified identity, group data can only from the internal GData-based database.

Using Cookie Cracking

If a credential group requires a user name for an authenticated user, you can implement silent authentication for content in the credential group (see Credential Groups) by using cookie cracking. Google recommends using the Require a user-name? option (see Require a User-Name Option) when you are using policy ACLs, authorization results caching, SAML authorization, or connector authorization. When you use cookie cracking, inbound cookie forwarding (from the content server to the search appliance) provides a username and or group.

To implement cookie cracking, if a sample URL check for user credentials is successful, the web server that runs the sample URL page generates the following response HTTP header (in addition to the standard headers):

X-Groups: value1, value2

where value becomes a verified identity for the credential group that is associated with the sample URL.

The effect of the response header is that it has “cracked” open the cookie and revealed the user and/or group name. The cookie can be used to “pre-satisfy” the credential group and the user has access to protected content without having to re-enter his credentials.

Other than setting up a sample URL, there is no configuration required for using cookie cracking on a search appliance. However, to use cookie cracking, the content server administrator must modify the content server so that it returns the appropriate response header.

Note that the content server must only emit the X-Username and X-Groups headers when it is presented with a valid cookie. If the content server produces something like “X-Username: invalid cookie,” then all users with invalid cookies obtain “invalid cookie” as a verified identity, which could cause authorization caching to provide the incorrect results to some users.

There is a 3 second timeout limit for checking the sample URL. If the response time of the host is beyond this limit, the check for user credentials is not successful.

Using Perimeter Security

Perimeter security ensures that the search appliance doesn’t serve any results without user authentication.

When perimeter security is enabled, the search appliance prompts the user for credentials when he first submits a search request. The search appliance authenticates the user by using the mechanisms that are configured for Universal Login.

If the user is successfully authenticated, the search appliance serves results. If the user is searching for public content only, no authorization is required to view results. If the user is searching for both public and secure content, the search appliance uses the credentials it has gathered to perform authorization on secure documents. The user is not prompted again for credentials.

If the user cannot be authenticated, the search appliance doesn’t serve any results.

To configure perimeter security, use the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login page. For instructions for configuring perimeter security, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login.

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Authorization is the process that determines whether an authenticated user, system, or service has permission to perform a task. After the search appliance authenticates a user by establishing the user’s identity, the search appliance attempts to determine whether a user has access to the secure content that matches their search.

Flexible Authorization

Flexible authorization gives you control over authorization by enabling you to:

You can perform these tasks by configuring flexible authorization rules. A flexible authorization rule defines:

You can configure rules for the following authorization mechanisms:

To configure rules for authorization mechanisms, use the Search > Secure Search > Flexible Authorization page. For step-by-step procedures for configuring specific types of rules, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Flexible Authorization.

After the search appliance authenticates a user by establishing the user’s identity, the search appliance attempts to determine whether a user has access to the secure content that matches her search. The search appliance performs authorization checks by applying flexible authorization rules in the order in which they appear on the Search > Secure Search > Flexible Authorization page.

Although you can configure the authorization routing table, Google recommends using the default setting where the first rule in the table is for PER-URL ACLs. This setting provides the best authorization performance for a larger number of documents. Changing the order of the authorization rules in the table so that a rule for another mechanism is first might lead to slow authorization performance for a smaller number of documents. Google recommends always using the PER_URL_ACL mechanism with pattern “/” as the first rule, with or without late binding.

Most of the supported authorization mechanisms are capable of returning one of three possible decisions for each URL:

Any given URL might match more than one flexible authorization rule. In this instance, each associated mechanism in the list is applied in order until one of them returns a decision other than indeterminate. If all mechanisms return indeterminate, or no mechanisms match, then the user is denied access to the URL. If a mechanism cannot handle a URL, it returns a decision of indeterminate.

Policy Access Control Lists

A policy ACL (Access Control List) provides information to the search appliance about which users or groups have access to a specific URL. By specifying policy ACLs on a search appliance, you can enhance performance and reduce load. Policy ACLs speed up the process of authorization and reduce the load on the authorization servers that occurs from performing HEAD requests to a remote authorization server.

Policy ACLs typically store the results that would have occurred if the search appliance initiated a HEAD request to verify authorization. However policy ACLs can also be used to override the decision that would have been returned by a HEAD request. For example, if you put in a policy ACL rule that permits a group to see all documents at a URL, but at the source repository (that is, the HEAD request), there’s a more fine-grained rule where only some in the group can view documents, then the behavior with the policy ACL rule is that everyone can see the search results, but only those who have access rights can click the links.

Policy ACLs require that you use an authentication method to establish the identity of the user or group that you specify in the Policy ACL rules. You must specify domain name in the policy ACL. The domain format depends of the authentication method used by the search appliance.

For more information on policy ACLs, see the Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide.

Per-URL ACLs and Policy ACLs

The search appliance supports two types of access control lists:

Occasionally, a URL can be associated with both types of access control lists. You can choose which type takes precedence, as described in Flexible Authorization.

Methods for Adding ACLs to the Index

The search appliance supports different methods for adding per-URL ACLs and policy ACLs to the index. The following table lists these methods and provides references to documentation for each method.




Use a feed to push per-URL ACLs to the search appliance.

Per-URL ACLs and ACL Inheritance in Feeds Protocol Developer’s Guide


Use a connector to push per-URL ACLs to the search appliance (uses feeds).

Crawl document header

At crawl time, add per-URL ACLs, along with documents, through the X-GSA-External-Metadata HTTP response header.

Crawling Per-URL ACLs

Specify in metadata (deprecated)

Define per-URL ACL can be defined in external metadata or metadata in the document itself.

Legacy Metadata Format (Deprecated) in Feeds Protocol Developer’s Guide

Policy ACL

Search > Secure Search > Policy ACLs page in the Admin Console

Specify rules or import a text file that contains policy ACL rules.

Policy ACLs and Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Policy ACLs

Google Search Appliance Policy ACL API.

Programmatically add policy ACL rules.

Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide

Crawling Per-URL ACLs

At crawl time, the search appliance can accept per-URL ACLs, along with documents, through the X-GSA-External-Metadata HTTP response header. To include a per-URL ACL, specify the names of the groups or users that have access. The metadata supplied at crawl time replaces any previously indexed metadata. Per-URL ACLs contained in an HTTP header are considered external metadata and will empty and replace any metadata from feeds. For more information about external metadata in HTTP headers, see External Metadata Sent in an HTTP Header in the External Metadata Indexing Guide.

Note: Crawled content with per-URL ACLs will serve only for the “Default” credential group configured in Universal Login Auth Mechanisms but not for other credential groups.

To use this method of indexing per-URL ACLs, the web service that stores the content needs to be designed to generate the optional X-GSA-External-Metadata HTTP header. The header includes a comma separated list of encoded values in the following format:

X-GSA-External-Metadata: value_1, value_2,...

Where each value has the form meta-name=meta-value.

To specify a group, replace meta-name with google:aclgroups and meta-value with a single group name. For example, to specify engineering (“eng”) as the group that has access to the URL, use google:aclgroups=eng.

To specify a user, replace meta-name with google:aclusers and meta-value with a single user name. For example, to specify Maria as the user that has access to the URL, use google:aclusers=Maria.

Both the meta-name and the meta-value are encoded according to section 2 of RFC3986 ( (commonly known as percent-encoding). The following example shows an encoded header:

X-GSA-External-Metadata: google%3Aaclusers=Maria, google%3Aaclgroups=eng

The per-URL ACLs supplied at crawl time are added to the search appliance index, replacing previously indexed per-URL ACLs. Subsequently crawled per-URL ACLs replace the previously indexed ones. If no external metadata header is supplied, the per-URL ACL in the index remains unchanged.

Any per-URL ACLs that are added later using a metadata-and-url feed are not merged with the crawled per-URL ACLs. An empty metadata-and-url feed clears all previous per-URL ACLs.

Policy ACLs

A policy ACL is expressed as a rule based on URL patterns. A policy ACL rule has two parts:

URL Pattern to Protect (see URL Pattern to Protect)—A URL pattern that you want to protect with restricted access.
Allowed Users or Groups (see Allowed Users or Groups)—Lists the users or groups that have access to the restricted URL.

For example, suppose the eng (engineering) group is the only group that you permit to view all documents in the page. To grant the engineering group access to the engsite page, specify a policy ACL rule: group:eng

When a search appliance executes a search, it attempts to match URLs that the search appliance retrieves from the index against policy ACLs. If a URL pattern matches the policy ACL rule, the search appliance applies the rule.

URL Pattern to Protect

You can specify a URL pattern to which you want to limit access. When a user performs a search query, the user can view this URL pattern in the search results if you list the user as either an allowed user or if the user is a member of an allowed group.

If more than one URL pattern matches the policy ACL, the search appliance chooses the best match in this order of precedence:

Exact-Match URL Rules

If there is an exact-match URL pattern, it is the best match. An exact-match URL patterns begins with a caret (^) and ends with a dollar sign ($). The following example shows an exact-match URL pattern:


Coarse-Grained Rules

The coarse-grained rules consist of:

Prefix Patterns

If there is one or more matching prefix patterns, the pattern with the longest prefix is the best match. A prefix-pattern specifies a (possibly partial) domain and a prefix of the path portion of the URL. The general format of a prefix pattern is:


Examples of prefix patterns:

General URL Patterns

If the only matching URL patterns are general patterns, the best match is undefined. The search appliance chooses one pattern for the URL pattern. A general URL pattern is any pattern other than an exact-match pattern or a prefix pattern.

Examples of general URL patterns are:



The product string can appear either in the host name, such as, or at the end of a URL and doesn’t have to be a full word.


The URL has to contain a URL parameter with sid= followed by a value that contains either a digit or capital letter. The plus means one or more characters

Allowed Users or Groups

A policy ACL rule lists each user’s or group’s login ID. The user who enters a search can view the URL result if either of the following conditions is true:

Otherwise, the user is denied permission to view the URL. The URL does not appear in the search results.

Adding a Policy ACL

To add a policy ACL:

Click Search > Secure Search > Policy ACLs.
In the URL Patterns field, type the pattern of the URL you want to restrict.
Click Create New Policy ACLs.
Under Principal Name, type the name of a user or group that is permitted to view the URL.
Click the appropriate Principal Type (User or Group).
Optionally, in the Domain box enter the domain name for the user or group.
In the Namespace/Credential Group box, accept the default namespace/credential group for the principal or type a different namespace/credential group.
Click Save.

To navigate to the previous page, click the Back to Policy ACL list link.

Editing a Policy ACL

To add a policy ACL:

Click Search > Secure Search > Policy ACLs.
Click the Edit link next to the policy ACL rule you want to edit.
Click Save.

Deleting a Policy ACL

To delete a policy ACL:

Click Search > Secure Search > Policy ACLs.
Click the Delete link next to the policy ACL rule you want to delete.

Importing a Configuration File

You can import a text file that contains policy ACL rules. The file you import overwrites all existing policy ACL rules.

Note: Before importing a configuration file, if you have defined policy ACL rules, click Export Search Results to back up your rules. The exported file is in the same format as a configuration file that you can import.

The format of each rule in the file is:

url_pattern allowed_user_or_group

Each line of the file must list only one URL pattern rule, and one or more users, denoted by the user: prefix or groups, denoted by the group: prefix, as shown in the following example: user:jane user:sue user:wilson group:chicagodoc group:texasdoc group:eng group:sales user:yvette

To import a file that contains policy ACLs:

Under Import a Configuration File, click Choose File.
Click Open.
Click Import.

Importing and Updating Policy ACLs from an Earlier Release

If you want to use policy ACLs from search appliance releases 6.8. 6.10, 6.12, or 6.14 in release 7.0, you must import the configuration file from the earlier release and update each policy ACL to the new format.

To import and update policy ACLs:

For each imported policy ACL, click the Edit link under Matching URL Patterns.

Observe that Principal Name and Principal Type are imported correctly and that default values are added for the Domain, Namespace/Credential Group, and Case Sensitive?.
Update Domain, Namespace/Credential Group, and Case Sensitive? as appropriate for the policy ACL.
Click Save.

Searching Policy ACLs

You can perform the following types of searches from the Policy pattern field on the Search > Secure Search > Policy ACLs page:

All Rules or Exact-match Rules or Coarse-grained Rules
Display rules by their type—view all rules by the filter you choose, or only those that contain text that you specify in the Policy pattern field. Click Search to list the rules, rules display in alphabetic order by the rule name. The rule filters are as follows:
All Rules—List all rules or those that contain the text you specify in the Policy pattern field.
Exact-match Rules—List all exact-match rules or those exact-match rules that contain the text you specify in the Policy pattern field.
Coarse-grained Rules—List all coarse-grained rules or those coarse-grained rules that contain the text you specify in the Policy pattern field.
Provide a URL and all the rules that match the URL are displayed. This search tells you which patterns match a URL. This helps you know for a given URL, which rule applies. Enter a URL pattern in the Policy pattern field, choose Find Rules for URL, and clicking Search. The rules are displayed in best match order. The first rule that displays applies, and is the best match and is the rule that the search appliance applies. The first rule is the one and only rule that is applied. This best match order is useful when you have two rules that match a URL and you want to find which rule applies best to the URL.

Search results appear under Matching URL Patterns.

Exporting Search Results

After you search policy ACLs, you can export the search results as an XML file. To export search results, click Export Search Results. The exported file is in the same format as an import configuration file.

The default file name is policy_acl.xml.

Using Credential Groups with Policy ACLs

Policy ACLs require that the identity of a user has been verified by an authentication method. A credential group can be used to authenticate a user’s identity for a policy ACL. However, although you can configure multiple credential groups for a system, the search appliance only currently supports one verified identity (see Primary Verified Identity) from all the credential groups for policy ACLs. Generally, the Default credential group (see About the Default Credential Group) provides the primary verified identity for use with a policy ACL.

To use a credential group with a policy ACL:

The user in the policy ACL rule must match the identity in the Default credential group. For example, suppose the username in the Default credential group is “joe.” To ensure that the search appliance can use a policy ACL with this identity, ensure that there is a policy ACL rule with the user “joe.”
Check the Requires a Username option (see Require a User-Name Option) for the Default credential group.
Do not rename the Default credential group.
Enabling Late Binding for Policy ACLs and Per-URL ACLs

In some instances, you might not want to use early binding for allow decisions, for example, if the policy ACLs or per-URL ACLs in the index don’t reflect the latest changes. For situations like this, you can enable late binding for policy ACLs and per-URL ACLs.

If you enable late binding for policy ACLs and per-URL ACLs, the search appliance accepts deny decisions only for these mechanisms. For allow and indeterminate decisions, the search appliance applies each subsequent associated mechanism in the list in order until one of them returns a decision other than indeterminate.

For information about enabling late binding for policy ACLs and per-URL ACLs, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Flexible Authorization.

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How to Exclude Controlled-Access Content Sources from Search

When you assign credentials that allow a search appliance to crawl and index controlled-access content, it’s important to consider whether the content source includes content that you don’t want anyone to see. The best way to ensure that private content is never shown in search results is to exclude all private content sources from the index. Examples of controlled-access content that should be excluded from crawl and indexing include:

Excluding Controlled-Access Content from the Index

To exclude private content from the index, use one or both of these methods:

In the Admin Console, go to Content Sources > Web Crawl > Start and Block URLs. Scroll down to Do Not Follow Patterns and enter a pattern for each URL that corresponds to private content. Any content that matches the patterns under Do Not Follow Patterns is excluded from the index.

Removing Controlled-Access Content from Search Results

Despite your best efforts to set exclusion patterns and define secure access policies that prevent the indexing of private content, you may discover unanticipated content that you must remove from the index. Removing content from the search appliance index takes anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the size and complexity of your index. To stop serving content immediately, create an exclusion rule to remove the content from the front end while you correct the index.

To stop serving undesired content immediately:

Choose Search > Search Features > Front Ends. For each front end that you have defined:
In the list of Current Front Ends, click Edit for the front end that you want to modify.
On the Remove URLs tab, enter URL patterns to exclude the undesired controlled-access content. You can enter as many URL patterns as you need to exclude all the undesired content.
Click Update. The search appliance immediately ceases serving URLs that match these patterns.

To permanently remove undesired content from the index:

Choose Content Sources > Web Crawl > Start and Block URLs. Scroll down to Do Not Follow Patterns and enter URL patterns that will exclude the undesired controlled-access content. You can enter as many URL patterns as you need to exclude all the undesired content.
Click Save. The search appliance removes the undesired content when the crawler next runs.
To verify that the content has been removed, go to Index > Diagnostics > Index Diagnostics and search for the removed URLs.

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Customizing the Universal Login Form

By default, the Universal Login Form displays sections for logging in to each credential group, a Login button, and the Google logo. You can deploy the Universal Login Form with these features. However, by using the Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Form Customization page in the Admin Console, you can create a Universal Login Form that is specific to your organization.

For example, you can make the following types of changes to page elements:

Submit button text—You can change the Login button that appears at the bottom of the form, by changing the default text string (“Login”).

Alternatively, you can also upload HTML for a completely different Universal Login Form.

Using the Page Layout Helper

The Page Layout Helper enables you to customize the Universal Login Form without directly editing any HTML. The Page Layout Helper contains the areas described in the following table.



Enter the location and name of the logo that you want to use. You may have to type the complete URL of the logo file. Also enter the width and height in pixels of your logo image.

Font Face

Enter the name of the font family that you want to use, for example, Arial.

The font face is case insensitive. If you enter a font that is not recognized, the page uses the Times font face.


Paste the header code that you want to use in the box.


Paste the footer code that you want to use in the box.

Submit button text

To replace the word “Login” on the button, type the text that you want to appear in the button.

Custom Page HTML

Insert the HTML code for a completely customized login page here. Any settings in other areas, such as Logo and Font Face are ignored if this area contains customized HTML.

To open a browser window to see how the page will look when you save your changes, click Preview. Changes are not saved until you click Save.

To customize the Universal Login Form by using the Page Layout Helper:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Form Customization.
Click Save.

Creating a Fully Customized Universal Login Form

The easiest way to create a fully custom Universal Login Form is by:

Using the HTML of the default Universal Login Form as a starting point for customizing your own form.

The Universal Login Form HTML must contain HTML form field names that match the system’s expectations. For example, for a credential group named cg1:

If a credential group is already satisfied at the time the Universal Login Form is rendered, the Universal Login Form attempts to disable the login fields for the already-satisfied group(s). It does this in the following two ways:

For example, two credential groups are defined (cg1 and cg2), and cg1 is pre-satisfied, but cg2 is not, the following CSS is generated:
#cg1Active {display:none; }
#cg1Inactive {display:inline; }
#cg2Active {display:inline; }
#cg2Inactive {display:none; }
<tr id="cg1Active"><td>Please login to cg1:</td></tr>
 <tr id="cg1Inactive"><td><span style="color:green">Logged in to cg1</span></td></tr>

To upload HTML for a customized Universal Login Form:

Click Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Form Customization.
Insert the customized HTML in the Custom Page HTML area of the Page Layout Helper.
Click Save.

For more information about customizing the Universal Login Form, click Admin Console Help > Search > Secure Search > Universal Login Form Customization.